**Maximize This Window!** Duke Nukem K-Key Cheat By Robbie Branting Thanks for downloading Robbie's Duke Nukem K-Key Cheat! This great program will let you use the co-op option of seeing through the other players eyes with out having to be in co-op mode! And your enemies can't use the key, unless they have this program running too! How To Install: Extract Dukekkey.com into your Duke Nukem directory, or the same folder Duke Nukem's setup.exe file is in. MAKE SURE Your setup file is named setup.exe, and Dukekkey.com is in the same folder or this will not work. How to Use: When you want to play a multiplayer game using the cheat, run Dukekkey.com, and it will launch setup.exe for you, and you start the game like you normally would. Then once the match begins, Press the key K and you will see through the other players eyes. Then press K again to return to normal. That’s it! For Help, Comments, Questions, or Future Updates and Info, make sure you check out my website at: http://robsplace.hypermart.net Or email me at: deadhead41@hotmail.com