----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOSRTS Maker by Charlie Wiederhold (c) 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for trying out DOSRTSMaker, the easiest and fastest way to make an RTS file anywhere. Before you begin, there are a couple of things you need to know. The files you should get with this package: DOSRTS.EXE - The program that serves as the front end for RTSMaker ver 2.0 README.TXT - This info file Installing DOSRTSMaker: DOSRTSMaker can reside anywhere on your hard drive that you choose. For organizational purposes though... most people should put it in it's own directory: such as C:\DOSRTS or C:\GAMES\DOSRTS. The reason for this is the only .WAV/.VOC/.RTS files you will have access to are the ones in the same directory as DOSRTS.EXE. I know this may seem inconvienient, and it bugged me too for a while. But once I began working with it some, I realized that it really organized all the files much better that way, and it wasn't as bad as it seemed. So... in order to create a new RTS file, you need to copy all the .WAV and .VOC files to the same directory as DOSRTS.EXE. If you want to unpack a .RTS file, then copy it to the DOSRTS.EXE directory. If you create a new file... or unpack an existing one, all new files will be placed in the directory with DOSRTS.EXE. Secondly, RTSMAKER.EXE must be in the same directory as DOSRTS.EXE also. RTSMaker version 2.0 is the one this program is designed to work with. You can use RTSMaker version 1.0 if you want, but the unpacking option will not work. Also, you can only select .VOC files for use with your new RTS file you are creating. If you have RTSMaker version 2.0 in the directory with DOSRTS.EXE, everything should work out just fine, and you are ready to go! RTSMaker version 2.0 is available from my website, naturally. The address is listed at the bottom of this message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running DOSRTSMaker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just type DOSRTS.EXE at the command prompt in DOS. Yes, this is a DOS based program, and I like it that way! :^) Once in DOSRTSMaker... you will have three options: 1) Create a new RTS file 2) Decompile an RTS file 3) Exit DOSRTSMaker Once in each of these options... a window will pop up with some useful and helpful information telling you what you need to do. Once you are familiar with the interface for DOSRTSMaker you will find that you can create and unpack an RTS file in seconds. Thus... you no longer have to worry about script file, and all the other stuff that I get tons of email daily asking how to do when trying to create RTS files. I tried to keep this as simple as possible... without too much extra options and stuff to get in your way. Please remember, DOSRTS.EXE does not actually do the work on the RTS files... all it does is serve as a front end for RTSMAKER.EXE. In order for the unpacking option to work, you MUST.... I'll repeat this again... MUST have RTSMAKER version 2.0. As far as the number of files that the program will read... I limited it to 255. If you know much about computers and the way numbers work with them, then you will know why I chose that number. Perhaps I will be able to allow it to read more than that in later versions... but if you really have 255+ .WAV/.VOC files sitting in that directory, then you need to think about doing some house cleaning. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTSMaker is (c) copyrighted by Apogee/3D Realms. DOSRTSMaker is (c) copyrighted freeware by Charlie Wiederhold The authors of DOSRTS.EXE and RTSMAKER.EXE are not resposible for any damage done to your hardware or software while in use of these programs. You can find RTSMaker ver 2.0 at almost any Duke Nukem 3D/Rise of the Triad website. Plus... it can be found at the WiederWeb RTS Archive... naturally. DOSRTSMaker is FREEWARE. In other words... I am not going to ask you to send me money just to make myself feel cool, or try to make money. I write software for other people to use... because A) I want to help make life easier on everyone B) I love programming... and that is the main reason I do it. I really feel that people who write programs and want to distribute them to the public in the form of shareware should NOT ask for money. If you like my work... then the only pay I would like is for an email telling me so. That in itself is enough to keep me going, and makes me want to continue programming. If I wanted money for it... I would go get a job programming for a company. Instead... while I get my education at The University of Texas at Austin... I will continue to program for the fun of it. But... if you actually feel like sending me money... or want to waste your entire life savings on my humble programming exploits... feel free to. But, you are going to have to find out my address on your own... because I'm not going to give it to you. :^P So there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the author ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is... you guessed it... Charlie Wiederhold. I am a student at The University of Texas at Austin, and am majoring in Computer Science. I am also in the Longhorn Band, and absolutely love music. Almost so much that I had chosen to major in it. But I got smart and chose my current major... and am very happy. Other software you may have seen by me: EditCON - Probably my most "famous" so far. It allows you to modify settings in the .CON files for Duke Nukem 3D. I had many plans for it, but time has taken it's toll... and I most likely will never work on it again. Oh well... other people have taken up the slack and are making some very good editors out there. ResetCON - Distributed with EditCON ver 2.0... this simple program resets your .CON files for Duke Nukem 3D to their exact original factory settings. Episoder - This allows you to create whole new Episodes easily for Duke Nukem 3D with any new .MAP files you have obtained. The first version is rather simple... after DOSRTSMaker is finally completed and distribution begins, I am going to go back to work on it to make it more effective and easier to use. Runduke - A network game launcher designed for The Duke Nukem 3D Rodeo Shootout, a Duke 3D gaming tournament held monthly in Fort Worth, Texas at The Rodeo Steakhouse. I help to manage this tournament, and the front end manager used by this tournament and even on daily playing is Runduke. Someday I will make it available to the public, but for now it is exclusive to The Duke Nukem 3D Rodeo Shootout. http://rampages.onramp.net/~bminer/duke/ DOSRTSMaker - Well... this program. All these programs will soon be available with descriptions via my webpages. I have also made several levels for Rise of the Triad and Duke Nukem 3D. You will soon be able to find all these via my webpages also. Again... thank you for trying my software, and as I said before... a simple email message is the only thing I would like, if you enjoy using any of my programs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Charlie Wiederhold Student : The University of Texas at Austin - Computer Science WiederWeb : http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~wieder/ Rodeo Shootout: http://CyberRodeo.com/duke/ E-Mail : wieder@mail.utexas.edu -----------------------------------------------------------------------------