============================================================================== = Brute Force: Alaskian Dawn --- Demo Guide = = = ========================================================= By James Tan ======= Thank you for downloading this demo. This demo is definately better than the preview version, and I wish to thank you for taking your time to download this demo. THis is the final version of the demo, and no other technology releases will be made after this one is done. This is the demo guide, but it is not as good as the Microsoft Document one, so please browse and read through that one if you have any more questions. *TIPS * Sneak and hide by crawling and crouching because the enemies now have a cone vision, and they can't see you behind their backs. * Crack their necks by pressing your action key/button* *(defualt key is space bar) * Use your night/heat vision goggles by pressing "N". Default key * There is a new door in place now, press space bar or hit it with any weapon to open it. * Don't cheat, because then lots of errors can happen! (I purposely did that) Well that's it. I know it's brief but hey, I want to keep it short so you can read it, then go and play it. Thank you again, James Tan ======================================= =Brute Force: Alaskian Dawn = = = =WEBSITE: HTTP://WWW.DUKEWORLD.COM/BF/= =E-MAIL: CTAN@XTRA.CO.NZ = =======================================