================================================================ Title :CINEPLEX Filename :CINEPLEX.MAP Author :Anonymous Email Address :Anonymous Misc. Author Info : Please Note: By the authors request, this map is an Elite Games exclusive! It may not be posted on any other web site without the expressed written consent of Elite Games. You may however pass it along to your friends as you wish. You can download this map from http://www.elitegames.com/duke3d. Description :This level is a monster load of data, but it will be well worth it once you see what you got. In a nutshell this is a movie complex that blows all past attempts away. (With all due respect to my fellow level builders). In this complex you can see and hear actual hollywood movie clips. Including: -Star Wars -Empire Strikes Back (2 theaters) -Return of the Jedi -The Clone Wars (sneak peak- HA HA) -Aliens -Jurassic Park -Raiders of the Lost Ark -Lunar Apocalypse (see duke waste a DM-enemy) Additional Credits to :Lucasfilm who owns all copyrights to The SW trilogy. Amblin Entertainment who owns all copyrights in Jurassic Park. 20th Century Fox who owns all copyrights in ALIENS. ETC ETC All images & sounds were downloaded off of the internet. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : NO DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. This level was weeks in the making. Editor(s) used : BUILD New Art : You Betcha!!!!!! Known Bugs : Sometimes when you enter the main lobby from the front entrance you will see a split second glimpse of the floor above. This is a quirk that comes with using sector over sector. OTHER Notes: The first time you enter a theater the frame rate gets jerky this is the game loading the external sounds. After all sounds are triggered it should run much smoother. Also, it was near impossible to synchronize the clip w/the sound. The way the MUSIC&SOUNDFX sprite works is that it starts playing the sound when you get within a certain distance. To try to synchronize the sound (really only applies to 2 movies) you can sit on the back wall of the balcony(where you won't be close enough to trigger the sound) and then move forward when the clip starts to trigger the sound and hopefully get close to getting the clip/sound synchronized. Other: THERE IS PLENTY OF NEW ART. I'VE INCLUDED TILES013.ART, TILES014.ART, & TILES015.ART SO IF YOU HAVE COPIES OF THESE FILES IN YOUR duke3d DIR, MAKE A BACKUP. Getting Started: The cineplex.bat file will rename the *.cin files so that can play the level. So to accomplish this type "cineplex" at the Duke3d prompt. After they have been renamed you can play. After you can run the UNDO.bat to get them back to the original *.cin names.