================================== PREDATOR TC: LURKING DARKNESS DEMO released on: 04/01/1999 ================================== Installation guide. ------------------- Before you begin, check that you have: * minimum: A Pentium 133 ( recommended ) [note: the game will work with a slower computer, but you may experience lag.] * Optimal: A Pentium 200 * A registered copy of Duke3D V 1.3/1.4/1.5 To install: 1. Unzip all contents of this archive into a CLEAN copy of Duke3D ( no other TC's or patches present ) as this demo backs up only basic Duke3D files. 2. Open your DOS prompt, enter your Duke3D directory, and type: lddemo 3. Follow the on-screen instructions Note: The demo automatically returns you to the menu after you quit the game. When you select "exit" from the demo menu, your Duke3D game is automatically restored, but the demo files remain. You can alternately delete all demo files by typing: delld at the DOS prompt in your Duke directory. ------- LURKING DARKNESS DEMO by: Skynet: Multi-Dimensionnal Software Website: http://www3.sympatico.ca/kurstak/skinet.htm PredTC website: http://www.dukeworld.com/predtc/ contact address: skynet2010@hotmail.com