====================================================================== THIS WEAPONS PATCH IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : The Star Trek Weapons Patch Beta 1.3 Author : James Keen E-mail : james_w_keen@hotmail.com ICQ# : 24223025 Web Page : Your URL, if you have one Description : This is a weapons patch witch will add a hypospray , phaser type 2, phaser type 3 to Duke 3D Additional Credits To : Who ever invented MIDI (i was listing to it all the way through makeing tis patch) 3d realms for makeing a great game and gean rodenberry (sp?) for starting it all ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : No levels replaced Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes but each player must have the pacth installed Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes but each player must have the pacth installed Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : Yes New Music : No New Sound Effects : Yes New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : modified Captians chair Art Art Editor(s) Used : Editart, paint shop pro 5, dukeres Construction Time : 3 days Known Bugs/Problems : please Email me if you find any (it's a beta) if nobody Emails me i will assume that it is fine and just relese the beta 1.5 * Where to get this MAP file * File location : My website ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just put all these files in your duke3d directory and play Important Notes : DON'T COPY ANY WORK HERE WITH OUT MY PERMISSION ======================================================================