------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6613 | hendricks266 | 2018-01-28 18:14:16 -0800 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) | 48 lines Systematize the appearance of the menu fonts using the DOS version as a reference. New events: "EVENT_MENUCURSORLEFT" "EVENT_MENUCURSORRIGHT" "EVENT_MENUCURSORSHADE" "EVENT_MENUSHADESELECTED" New userdef structures: "menu_shadedeselected" "menu_shadedisabled" "menutext_zoom" "menutext_xspace" "menutext_pal" "menutext_palselected" "menutext_paldeselected" "menutext_paldisabled" "menutext_palselected_right" "menutext_paldeselected_right" "menutext_paldisabled_right" "gametext_zoom" "gametext_xspace" "gametext_pal" "gametext_palselected" "gametext_paldeselected" "gametext_paldisabled" "gametext_palselected_right" "gametext_paldeselected_right" "gametext_paldisabled_right" "minitext_zoom" "minitext_xspace" "minitext_tracking" "minitext_pal" "minitext_palselected" "minitext_paldeselected" "minitext_paldisabled" "minitext_palselected_right" "minitext_paldeselected_right" "minitext_paldisabled_right" "menutitle_pal" "slidebar_palselected" "slidebar_paldisabled" Self-explanatory. Use in conjunction with "menutext_tracking" and "gametext_tracking" ("mgametext_tracking" is now ignored). The values for disabled shade is added to the selected or deselected shades. The palettes have a disabled > selected > deselected hierarchy, and are applied if not zero. Patch from Fox ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6612 | hendricks266 | 2018-01-28 18:14:09 -0800 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) | 7 lines New LOGO_FLAGS bits LOGO_NOHELP and LOGO_NOCREDITS. LOGO_NOHELP: Remove the "Help" item in the main menu and the F1 key function. LOGO_NOCREDITS: Remove the "Credits" item in the main menu. Patch from Fox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6611 | hendricks266 | 2018-01-28 18:14:04 -0800 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) | 15 lines New commands: "divr", "divru", "divrd" divr Divide gamevar by and round (aka round to nearest) the result. A result of 0.5 will equal 1. divru Divide gamevar by and round up (aka round away from zero) the result. Additionally "divrd" can be used to round down (aka round toward zero), which is equivalent to the current div command as tested on x86, ARM, and PowerPC. Note that "shiftr" rounds up negative values. Patch from Fox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6610 | hendricks266 | 2018-01-28 18:14:00 -0800 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) | 1 line Maintenance on Gv_DivVar ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r6609 | hendricks266 | 2018-01-28 18:13:55 -0800 (Sun, 28 Jan 2018) | 9 lines New command "qstrcmp" qstrcmp Compare two quotes. returns zero if they are identical, -1 if the first quote comes first in alphabetical order, 1 if it comes later. Note that the lexicographical order is rudimentary, for example "Player 2" is considered greater than "Player 10". Patch from Fox. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.