------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7892 | pogokeen | 2019-08-07 09:19:03 -0700 (Wed, 07 Aug 2019) | 2 lines tiles.cpp: backup & restore picsiz, walock, & waloff alongside other per tile arrays in artClearMapArt() and artSetupMapArt() This fixes an issue with viewscreens as tiles that are setup game-side after a map is loaded could have their sizes reset to 0 while not being properly cleared from walock/waloff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7891 | pogokeen | 2019-08-07 09:19:00 -0700 (Wed, 07 Aug 2019) | 1 line sector.cpp: ensure that if scripts have told us not to render normally to the tile, that we still handle restoring our target & setting up the tile appropriately for what the script may have rendered ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r7890 | pogokeen | 2019-08-07 09:18:57 -0700 (Wed, 07 Aug 2019) | 1 line engine.cpp: make renderSetTarget() more robust so that passing an xsiz or ysiz <= 0 is not accepted and can't cause a segmentation fault ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.