------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3605 | helixhorned | 2013-03-24 11:55:40 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line engine: fix assertion failure with overlong walls in rintersect(). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3604 | helixhorned | 2013-03-24 11:55:27 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line Lunatic translator: proper Lua->CON line mapping for actor/event/etc. headers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3603 | helixhorned | 2013-03-24 11:55:18 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 5 lines engine: return early with 0 from cansee() if either sector is >= MAXSECTORS. Previously, only the <0 condition was checked. However, the passed sectnums could be >= MAXSECTORS (at least in C-CON), for example when issuing 'canseespr' on a sprite not in the game world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3602 | helixhorned | 2013-03-24 11:55:05 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line LunaCON: readarrayfromfile: fail silently if file can't be opened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------