------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3610 | hendricks266 | 2013-03-24 21:33:03 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 3 lines Add "rotatespritea" to CON and M32script. I hope I didn't bruise Lunatic too much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3609 | hendricks266 | 2013-03-24 21:32:24 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line Implement alpha into rotatesprite (rotatesprite_) on the engine side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3608 | hendricks266 | 2013-03-24 21:31:58 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 7 lines Add orientation bit 2048, enumerated as ROTATESPRITE_FULL16, which is a courtesy provided by the engine for the purpose of the game to internally force use of full 32-bit coordinates. With this bit set, all CON screen drawing commands can use rotatesprite16-like coordinates. While the functionality was already internally in place for gametext as one of two hacks using ROTATESPRITE_MAX (the other still used by minitext_() to align with the statusbar) we must codify a bit in the engine for safe external use. (Otherwise, ROTATESPRITE_MAX could/would theoretically increase and leave modders high and dry.) (Dev note: In G_DrawTXDigiNumZ(), ROTATESPRITE_MAX was used to bitshift the value used to calculate digit spacing for no reason I can ascertain other than to introduce rounding errors into the zoom/textscale calculations. It was never used anywhere, so I removed it.) Bonus: The scaling code for digitalnumberz and gametextz has been modified so that the spacing is no longer affected by rounding errors. Try animating the zoom value and compare how the text used to jump but now does not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3607 | hendricks266 | 2013-03-24 21:31:31 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line Hackily implement spriteext.alpha into Classic by internally attaching 33% and 66% to the cstat bits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r3606 | hendricks266 | 2013-03-24 21:31:09 -0700 (Sun, 24 Mar 2013) | 1 line Relax CAPITALIZATION restrictions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------