------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4459 | helixhorned | 2014-05-01 09:55:50 -0700 (Thu, 01 May 2014) | 6 lines Polymost: make r_usetileshades 2 the default. This mode does not take a sector's visibility values into account for uniform darkening of a texture. It is more faithful to classic with respect to fog/visibility *distances*, but may be less so as far as the "tint" of the texture due to visibility attenuation is concerned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4458 | helixhorned | 2014-05-01 09:55:48 -0700 (Thu, 01 May 2014) | 5 lines engine.c: instead of fogpal post-tweaks (last 2 commits), normalize by numshades-1. That is, for every for palette (now, even ones created by the user) the last shade is the (or rather, a color close to the) full fog color by construction. In loadpalette(), reject a PALETTE.DAT with only one shade level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.