------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4877 | helixhorned | 2015-01-04 10:45:03 -0800 (Sun, 04 Jan 2015) | 10 lines engine.c: prevent multiple collection of same sector in scansector(). Also for polymost_scansector(). These were likely of little consequence because collection in scansector() is the exception than the rule (see added comments), and because the redundant drawwalls() would find the x range done the second and following times. Also, add a bound check for sectorborder[] (the limit was probably rarely hit in practice, but the check is mandatory nontheless) and add functions printscans() and printbunches() in the DEBUGGINGAIDS=2 build. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r4876 | helixhorned | 2015-01-04 10:45:01 -0800 (Sun, 04 Jan 2015) | 9 lines engine.c: in drawmasks(), remove sorting sprites by statnum. There were various issues with that code. - It does not seem to be very meaningful to do so. - It was carried out on the same range as the sprites sorted by z coordinate (those with equal x/y) just a few lines away, effectively overriding it. The former is very meaningful, though. - It led to inconsistencies between editor and game, see http://forums.duke4.net/topic/775-eduke32-20-and-polymer/page__view__findpost__p__214873 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.