------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5159 | helixhorned | 2015-04-18 14:59:21 -0700 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015) | 3 lines Do "typedef projectile_t defaultprojectile_t;" instead of having an indetical-member type. Move projectile_t to player.h. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5158 | helixhorned | 2015-04-18 14:59:20 -0700 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015) | 1 line polymost.c: fix display of floor-aligned sprites ornameted to the ceiling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5157 | helixhorned | 2015-04-18 14:59:19 -0700 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015) | 5 lines polymost.c: split three overlong lines into three each. This was formerly "fix multi-tile ceiling skies.", but TX beat me to it and Git automatically figured out how to merge while keeping a linear history. (Our fixes were identical.) Nice! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5156 | helixhorned | 2015-04-18 14:59:18 -0700 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015) | 5 lines Double the size of clouds[] (holding sectors with CLOUDYSKIES ceilings). Also, make cloudx[] and cloudy[] scalars, as the per-sector values were always identical. In prelevel(), warn if some CLOUDYSKIES-ceiling sectors could not be set up due to reaching the new 256 sector limit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5155 | helixhorned | 2015-04-18 14:59:17 -0700 (Sat, 18 Apr 2015) | 7 lines actors.c: fix 3 incorrect '/' -> tabledivide32_noinline rewrites in r4658. Division has higher precedence than bitwise-OR. The cases concerned SE3, SE4 and NEON* sprites. Incidental info: the blinking of NEON* sprites can be controlled via their lotag, similarly to how you how you give a "random flash number" as SE4 hitag. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.