------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5188 | helixhorned | 2015-05-14 05:18:47 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) | 3 lines Lunatic: account for the projectile changes in r5080. BUILD_LUNATIC. The (undocumented) Lua-side API stays almost the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5187 | helixhorned | 2015-05-14 05:18:46 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) | 4 lines LunaCON: allow ':' immediately after 'case' (legacy; warns), writing to ud.god. Also, on one "gamevar `xxx' is not per-*" diagnostic, print the location of the gamevar definition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r5186 | helixhorned | 2015-05-14 05:18:42 -0700 (Thu, 14 May 2015) | 3 lines Lunatic: fix build and user_defs definition mismatch. Left: projectile changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ See http://svn.eduke32.com/listing.php?repname=eduke32 for more details.