The Quake Test1 console command list v0.23. (1.3.1996) by Lauri Alanko (, Nether in IRC) Here's a list of console commands, flags and variables that I'm aware of. It may be that all the commands in QTest1 are now listed (don't bet on it), but there are lots of variables and commands whose functions are unclear. Not to mention that I haven't deathmatched yet, so the network commands are rather vaguely described. Additions, corrections, comments and clarifications would be appreciated... ALIAS Syntax: alias The ALIAS command creates a command alias. :) If either the alias or the command line to be aliased contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes. (No sense in creating a multi-word alias, though. It would have to be enclosed in quotes at the command-line, too.) It is possible to give the alias an argument, which will be appended to the aliased command line, but for some reason there has to be a semicolon separating them. BF Syntax: bf The BF command fades the palette close to yellow and back in about a second, creating a brief flash. It is apparently used when picking up items. BIND Syntax: bind The BIND command assigns a command line to be triggered at a keypress. The keyname can be a single letter, or one of the following: K_ALT, K_DEL, K_PGDN, K_PGUP, K_SHIFT, K_CTRL, K_UPARROW, K_DOWNARROW, K_LEFTARROW, K_RIGHTARROW, K_SPACE, K_ENTER, K_TAB, K_PAUSE, K_ESCAPE, K_F1, K_F2, K_F3, K_F4, K_F5, K_F6, K_F7, K_F8, K_F9, K_F10, K_F11, K_F12, K_HOME, K_END, K_BACKSPACE. Note that when binding a key to a command line containing an action command, only the first command on the line will get automatically a corresponding "-" command if it is an action command. This can be avoided by setting the first letter of the command line to something else. A space or a semicolon will do. So, if you want to be able to activate freelook with one button and deactivate it with another, you could do something like this: bind q ";+mlook" bind w "-mlook" The rest of the action commands in the command line will be prolonged infinitely unless they are explicitly stopped with a corresponding "-" command. For example: bind q "+jump;+attack;+moveleft;-attack;-moveleft" This is a nice fire/dodge combo. CLEAR Syntax: clear The CLEAR command clears the console screen. CMD Unknown. Probably affects the game world in some way, as this cannot be executed unconnected. COMx Syntax: com1|com2 [enable|disable] [dial|answer] [reset] [port ] [irq ] [baud ] [8250|16550] [startup ] [shutdown ] [-cts|+cts] [-dtr|+dtr] [-cd|+cd] From network.txt by John Cash: There are two commands to support serial/modem play for Quake. They are: COM1 and COM2. Entering one of these commands with no arguments will display the status of that serial port. When used with arguments, these commands change the settings and status of the COM ports. The possible arguments are listed below; examples follow. enable | disable "enable" means that your configuration is complete and you want to use the COM port. "disable" is used to turn off a COM port, usually to change its settings. The default (initial) state is disabled. dial | answer Specifying one of these two options indicates that you are using a modem. "dial" is used for Quake clients and means that you will be initiating the call. "answer" is used for Quake servers and means that you will be receiving the call(s). Using neither of these means that you are using a null modem cable and modem processing will be disabled. reset This will reset the COM port to its default settings and state. port irq These are used to set the I/O Port and IRQ that your serial port uses. The default values are: port=3f8 irq=4 for COM1 and port=2f8 irq=3 for COM2. Note that the port number is displayed in hexadecimal; to enter it you would use something like "COM2 port 0x2f8"; the "0x" preceding the "2f8" indicates that you are giving the value in hexadecimal otherwise decimal is assumed. baud Sets the baud rate. Valid values for are: 9600, 14400, 28800, 57600, and 115200. 28800 is the default. Please note that this is the baud rate used for the uart, not your modem. It is perfectly valid to use 57600 on a COM port that is connected to a 28.8 modem. 8250 | 16550 Specifies the type of uart chip in your system. Normally this is automatically detected, one of these need only be used if your chip is incorrectly detected. startup shutdown This allows you to specify the startup and shutdown strings needed for a modem for playing Quake. If you've found values that previously worked with Doom, use them here. If you are playing over a null modem cable, leave these blank. -cts | +cts -dsr | +dsr -cd | +cd These determine if certain serial control lines should be honored or ignored. The "-" means you want that line ignored, the "+" means to honor it. "cts" is an abbreviation for "clear to send", "dsr" for "data set ready", and "cd" for "carrier detect". Most people will not need to change these values. The default is to honor all 3 lines. Quake always uses no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit; these values can not be changed. The baud, port, irq, and uart type can not be changed on an enabled port, you must disable it first. CONNECT Syntax: connect [server] The CONNECT command connects the client to the server, or to the specified server if there are many available. DECIMATE_SFX DECIMATE_SFX_SPEED DECIMATE_SFX_WIDTH Syntax: decimate_sfx [0|1] decimate_sfx_speed [speed] decimate_sfx_width [0|1] From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: Setting DECIMATE_SFX to 1 will decimate all cached sound effects to the lower of their recorded sound rate or the value of DECIMATE_SFX_SPEED. It will also reduce 16 bit sound effects to 8 bit sound effects if DECIMATE_SFX_WIDTH is 1. DECIMATE_SFX can save a great deal of memory at the cost of making some of the sounds a bit muffled or perhaps staticky. After setting this, a level must be reloaded for it to take effect. SOUNDLIST will display the new memory footprint and sound effect lengths. The following example will probably save 75% of the RAM required for a level's sound effects while keeping the sound effects at roughly the same playback quality of Doom's sound effects. After setting these variables, a map must be reloaded for them to take effect. By default, DECIMATE_SFX is 0, and sfx are not decimated. DISCONNECT Syntax: disconnect The DISCONNECT command ends the client's session with the server, removing it from the game. ECHO Syntax: echo [text string] The ECHO command displays a string of text to the console. This is mainly useful with aliases and keybindings. EDICT EDICTCOUNT EDICTS Syntax: edict edictcount edicts The edict commands display information about the "edicts" of the level, which seem to be rather more generic than the "things" of Doom. The information varies depending on the edict. The EDICT command displays information about a single edict. It makes no boundary checks, so don't give an invalid value or the program might crash! The EDICTS command displays the same data for every edict. The EDICTCOUNT gives a summary of different kinds of edicts in the game. ENTITIES Syntax: entities The ENTITIES command displays a list of every entity in the game, "entity" apparently meaning a visible object. (Both EDICTS and ENTITIES commands produce a huge list that won't fit in any console screen, no matter what the resolution. As such they are of little debugging value, so it would be plausible to think that there has to be either a backscroll or a pager implemented in the console, or then the outputs of the commands can be redirected to a file. However, I've seen no sign of any of these.) EXEC Syntax: exec The EXEC command loads a specified file and processes the console commands contained therein. This is mainly useful at the initialization phase, as all necessary command lines can be aliased at that stage. FLY Syntax: fly The FLY command toggles the player's flymode on and off. In flymode, gravity doesn't affect the player, allowing free vertical movement with "+moveup" and "+movedown" action commands. However, in flymode, the change from one side of water's surface to another will not affect the "swimmode". FOV Syntax: fov Default: 20 The FOV variable adjusts the field of vision of the player. Basically, this determines how far away from the monitor the eye is supposed to be. Give it a value of 50, stick your face to the monitor, and you'll see that it looks all right. :) The minimum is 5 (nice zoom for snipers) and the maximum is 80 (distorted, but at least your eyes are really open). A minor flaw is that the sky isn't zoomed. This lessens the realism somewhat. The change of the FOV variable takes effect only after the screen is resized or the video mode is changed. So, if you want zoom buttons, you should do something like this: bind q "fov 5;sizedown;sizeup" bind w "fov 20;sizedown;sizeup" bind e "fov 80;sizedown;sizeup" These won't affect your viewsize unless you're using a minimal window (in which case you can reverse the sizeup and sizedown statements). If you are having serious framerate problems and don't mind a little zoom, you might try lowering FOV, since a zoomed view contains less polygons and is thus rendered somewhat faster. FRAGLIMIT Syntax: fraglimit Default: 20 The FRAGLIMIT variable sets the amount of frags at which the game will end. This basically determines how long a deathmatch will take. GAMMA Syntax: gamma Default: 1.00 The GAMMA variable adjusts the brightness of the screen. A value of 0 means all white, while a value of 2 is _real dark_. The proper value is a matter of taste. Personally, I like 0.9. GOD Syntax: god The GOD command toggles the player's godmode on and off. In godmode, the player cannot be harmed, unlike her armor. GRABNEXTSND Unknown HOSTNAME Syntax: hostname [server name] Default: "unnamed" or "local" The HOSTNAME variable sets the name of the server as it will be shown in SLIST. IMPULSEx Syntax: impulseX where X is a number between 0 and 9 The IMPULSEx commands select the current weapon. In the Quake test 1, the following weapons are potentially available: IMPULSE1 Shotgun IMPULSE2 Supershotgun IMPULSE3 Nailgun IMPULSE4 Chainnailgun IMPULSE5 Grenade launcher IMPULSE6 Rocket launcher At the moment, it seems likely that in the future there will be two more weapons: IMPULSE7 Lightninggun IMPULSE8 Chainlightninggun Though this may very well change (as may all the other weapons). In addition, IMPULSE9 will give all weapons and all ammo. KILL Syntax: kill The KILL command will restart the level. (How does this differ from the RESTART command? Could someone with a network tell, please?) KILLSERVER Syntax: killserver The KILLSERVER command will terminate the server program and thus ends the game. LOOKSPRING Syntax: lookspring Default: 0 The LOOKSPRING variable controls the rate at which the player's current vertical pitch centers back towards horizon after leaving freelook mode. See also CL_PITCHCENTERSPEED. MAP Syntax: map The MAP command makes the server load the specified map and start a game in it, abandoning any current game. In the Quake test 1 there are three maps available: test1, test2 and test3. MESSAGEMODE Syntax: messagemode The MESSAGEMODE command starts a SAY command, effectively indicating the start of a message terminated by a return key. This is only useful as a keybinding. MOUSEx Syntax: mouse1|mouse2|mouse3 The MOUSEx commands bind a command line to a mouse key. MOUSE1 binds the left key, MOUSE2 binds the right key and MOUSE3 binds the center key if available. Note that when binding a mouse key to a command line containing an action command, only the first command on the line will get automatically a corresponding "-" command if it is an action command. The rest of the action commands will be prolonged infinitely unless the line has explicit "-" commands for them. NAME Syntax: name Default: "player" The NAME variable sets the player's name in the game. NO Syntax: no NO is a negative answer. It can be used to refuse from playing Quake. NOCLIP Syntax: noclip The NOCLIP command toggles the player's noclip mode on and off. In noclip mode, the player can walk through any walls and is not affected by gravity. However, in noclip mode, the change from one side of water's surface to another will not affect the "swimmode". This is mainly for debugging purposes. NOSOUND Syntax: nosound <0|1> Default: 0 From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: Setting NOSOUND to 1 will prevent further sound effects from being loaded or started. Returning it to 0 (default) will allow sound effects to be started again. However, if a level is started with NOSOUND set to 1, and then it is returned to 0, no sounds will be precached, and they will not be cached during play. NOTARGET Syntax: notarget The NOTARGET command toggles the player's notarget mode on and off. (Could someone please tell exactly what notarget mode does?) NUMCHANNELS Syntax: numchannels Default: 8 From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: This will specify the number of sound channels to mix in software. This number must be 2 or higher. The first channel is not used and may be used later for streaming CD audio. Increasing the number of channels will let you hear more similtaneous sounds in game play. However, the more sounds you have, the higher the demand on CPU performance. The default is 8 channels. Note that some times sounds will get cut off for other reasons which will be sorted out in later versions. Running NUMCHANNELS several times may cause memory problems. There are as many "sleeping channels" as there are sound channels. Sleeping channels are sound channels which are currently inaudble, usually because the sound source is out of your range of hearing, but the channels are woken back up when the sound comes back in range, assuming the sound effect is not already over, or is looping. PAUSABLE Syntax: pausable <0|1> Default: 1 The PAUSABLE flag determines whether the game can be paused by a player. PAUSE Syntax: pause The PAUSE command toggles whether the game is paused or not. PLAY PLAYVOL Syntax: play playvol From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: PLAY will play a sound effect at 100% volume at the location of the player. PLAYVOL will play a sound effect at specified volume at the location of the player. The sound effect must be a WAV (RIFF) file or an AIFF file. If a WAV file, the sound effect may have a cue list. The first cue in that list will be interpreted as a loop startpoint, and the loop endpoint will be the end of the sound effect. Sound effects may be recorded at any speed and may be either 8-bit or 16-bit. If you specify more than one sound effect on the line, they will play simultaneously. If a specified sound effect is not already loaded into memory, it will first be loaded from disk. POINTFILE Unknown. Crashes the machine! At least with wrong parameters. PROFILE Syntax: profile The PROFILE command gives information about the game's inner workings. :) (Seriously, what does it do? Are those the functions that the program calls at every cycle or what? Any info would be appreciated.) Don't use the command when not connected. It crashes the program! PROGRESTART Syntax: progrestart The PROGRESTART command clears the memory cache and restarts just about everything. QUIT Syntax: quit The QUIT command exits the Quake program and returns to DOS. (Or just closes the window in X, I gather.) (Does it also disconnect automatically? I should think so, but would someone with a network care to tell?) RECORD Syntax: record [filename] The RECORD command starts and ends a demo recording. The demo will have the specified filename, or demo.dem if none specified. (The big question is: How to replay the demo?) RESTART Syntax: restart The RESTART command reloads the map and starts the game anew. RMSR Unknown. Crashes the machine! SAVESND Syntax: savesnd From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: Will cache (load) the specified sound effect then save it to a file named "snd.raw" in the directory you ran Quake in. The format of this file is raw sound data. Run SOUNDLIST to see the sample bit width and recording speed. If 8-bit, then the output may be either signed or unsigned. If it sounds funny on playback in a sound program, try the other way. SAY Syntax: say The SAY command transmits a message to other players. SBINFO Syntax: sbinfo From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: This will print information on the Sound Blaster card in the system. If the version is 4 or greater, then it is some kind of Sound Blaster 16 or compatible. If less, then it is probably a Sound Blaster or Sound Blaster Pro or compatible. If the version is 3, then it will be reported as 2. This is a hack that may be fixed later. The port is the I/O port sensed from the A variable in the BLASTER environment variable. The DMA is the DMA channel and is confirmed in hardware if the card is version 4 or higher. The mixer port can be ignored. SCREENSHOT Syntax: screenshot The SCREENSHOT command will save the current screen as a picture to the disk. The picture will be in PCX format, with the name quakeXX.pcx, where XX is the lowest available decimal number. SENSITIVITY Syntax: sensitivity Default: 3 The SENSITIVITY variable controls the mouse sensitivity, surprise, surprise. SIZEDOWN SIZEUP Syntax: sizedown|sizeup The SIZEUP and SIZEDOWN commands affect the current screen size. They effectively increase and decrease the VIEWSIZE variable by 10. SLIST Syntax: slist The SLIST command lists all the available servers. SOUND Syntax: sound [speed ] [bits <8|16>] [channels ] [reset] The SOUND command controls the general sound settings of the game. Without arguments it displays the current settings. The SPEED argument sets the frequency for sound effects. The BITS argument sets whether the sounds use 8 or 16 bits. The CHANNELS argument sets the number of channels to be mixed. The RESET argument might conceivably reset the sound system. :P (I'm not entirely sure if this is fully functional. Why wasn't this documented?) SOUNDINFO Syntax: soundinfo From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: This prints the "portable" information on your current audio hardware setting in the game. It specifies whether there is stereo output (0 or 1), the number of samples in the DMA buffer (usually 32768 or 65536), the current sample position (changes each time you run SOUNDINFO and ranges from 0 to the number of samples), the number of sample bits (either 8 or 16), the submission chunk (1 in DOS or Linux w/ mmaped sound, larger in Linux w/o mmaped sound), playback speed in Hz (usually 11025 to 44100), the DMA buffer address in hexadecimal (usually 8 digits after the 0x, starting with 0xf00.. in DOS, starting with 0x400.. in Linux, and less than 8 digits if the hardware was not initialized successfully), and the number of channels mixed in software (8 by default, changeable w/ NUMCHANNELS command). SOUNDLIST Syntax: soundlist From sound.txt by Dave Taylor: Will list all the currently cached (loaded) sound effects. Each entry will contain the last 11 characters of the filename, followed by the length of the sound in bytes, the # of bits in each sample (either 8b or 16b), then the speed of the recording (usually between 11025 and 44100). At the end of the list will be the total memory usage by all cached sound effects. If you are experiencing memory shortages, experiment with the DECIMATE_SFX variable. When you PLAY a new sound effect which was not previously loaded, it will appear in this list. SPAWN Unknown. (Why cannot this be used at console?) STATUS Syntax: status The STATUS command prints the current host, the current map, the number of players on the level, the time each player has been connected and the frags. STOPSOUND Unknown. STUFFCMDS Syntax: stuffcmds The STUFFCMDS command processes the command-line arguments. This should only be used in the initialization file, quake.rc. (I think, that is. And the real command-line arguments (-dmasize and such) are probably processed before the quake.rc is loaded. I think this means only the "+" commands in the quake.exe (or xquake) commandline.) TEAMPLAY Syntax: teamplay <0|1> Default: 0 The TEAMPLAY flag sets whether the similarly colored people are supposed to be teams. Members of a team cannot harm each other too badly. TEMP1 Syntax: temp1 The TEMP1 variable has no function. It can be used for whatever purposes deemed necessary. (And these are just _wild_ guesses. User variables would be a lot more useful if they could be referenced... Has anybody succeeded in giving the value of a variable as an argument?) TIMELIMIT Syntax: timelimit Default: 0 The TIMELIMIT variable controls the maximum duration of a game until it will be terminated. TIMEREFRESH Syntax: timerefresh The TIMEREFRESH command will pan the view 360 degrees around the Z-axis and calculate the average frames per second. TOGGLECONSOLE Syntax: toggleconsole The TOGGLECONSOLE command will toggle the console on and off, if you didn't guess. You'd BETTER have this bound somewhere! VERSION Syntax: version The VERSION command will give version information. VIEWSIZE Syntax: viewsize Default: 100 The VIEWSIZE variable controls the size of the 3D view. The minimum is 20. A full screen with all the three bars has a value of 100. Each bar amounts to 10, so a full screen has a value of 130. YES Syntax: yes The YES is an affirmative answer. This is probably the first command you've used in the game! CL_ANGLESPEEDKEY Syntax: cl_anglespeedkey Default: 1.5 The CL_ANGLESPEEDKEY variable affects both the pitch speed and turning speed, when using action commands, ie. keyboard. It seems to be just an easier alternative to modifying CL_PITCHSPEED and CL_YAWSPEED simultaneously. CL_BACKSPEED Syntax: cl_backspeed Default: 160 The CL_BACKSPEED variable controls the player's backwards walking speed. The player can never move faster than SV_MAXSPEED, though. CL_BOB Syntax: cl_bob Default: 0.02 The CL_BOB variable affects the amplitude of the bobbing of the player's weapon. CL_BOBCYCLE Syntax: cl_bobcycle Default: 0.6 The CL_BOBCYCLE variable affects the frequency (speed) of the bobbing of the player's weapon. This might be the time of one "bobcycle" in seconds. Don't set this to zero, even if you have deactivated bobbing. CL_BOBUP Syntax: cl_bobup Default: 0.5 The CL_BOBUP variable affects the time the weapon stays at "the end of the cycle", ie. at its topmost height. CL_FORWARDSPEED Syntax: cl_forwardspeed Default: 200 The CL_FORWARDSPEED variable affects the player's forwards walking rate. The player can never move faster than SV_MAXSPEED, though. CL_MOVESPEEDKEY Syntax: cl_movespeedkey Default: 2.0 The CL_MOVESPEEDKEY variable sets the factor by which speeds are multiplied when +SPEED is activated, ie. the player is running. The player can never move faster than SV_MAXSPEED, though. If you are running all the time, set your walking speeds to maximum and set CL_MOVESPEEDKEY below 1.0, and your run key will become a "slow down" key. CL_NOLERP Syntax: cl_nolerp <0|1> Default: 0 Unknown. CL_PITCHCENTERSPEED Syntax: cl_pitchcenterspeed Default: 400 The CL_PITCHCENTERSPEED variable controls the speed at which the vertical pitch of the player is centered back to horizon after she starts moving. Set both this and CL_PITCHDRIFTSPEED to 0, if you want complete control over your pitch. CL_PITCHDRIFTSPEED Syntax: cl_pitchdriftspeed Default: 40 The CL_PITCHDRIFTSPEED variable controls the speed at which the vertical pitch of the player is aligned to point to the level of the ground, if the ground is at a different height from the player where the player is looking. (The exact algorithm for deciding the "correct" pitch isn't clear to me.) CL_PITCHSPEED Syntax: cl_pitchspeed Default: 100 The CL_PITCHSPEED variable controls the speed at which the pitch is changed when using the +LOOKUP and +LOOKDOWN action commands. Keyboard, that is. CL_ROLLANGLE Syntax: cl_rollangle Default: 2.0 The CL_ROLLANGLE variable controls the angle by which the player will lean when strafing or moving and turning simultaneously. Setting this over 20 gets kind of jerky. CL_ROLLSPEED Syntax: cl_rollspeed Default: 200 The CL_ROLLSPEED variable controls how quickly the leaning will happen. It's just a guess, but I think it that CL_ROLLSPEED is the speed at which the player is leaning fully, and below that the leaning is proportional to the speed. Set this to 1. Jerky. CL_SHOWNET Syntax: cl_shownet <0|1> Default: 0 The CL_SHOWNET flag sets whether to display something. :) (Has anyone any idea what these numbers mean?) CL_SIDESPEED Syntax: cl_sidespeed Default: 350 The CL_SIDESPEED variable controls the walking strafing speed of the player. The player can never move faster than SV_MAXSPEED, though. CL_TICRATE Syntax: cl_ticrate Default: 0.03 Unknown. CL_UPSPEED Syntax: cl_upspeed Default: 200 The CL_UPSPEED variable controls how powerful the player's jumps are when using the +MOVEUP action command. This doesn't seem to affect the player's vertical velocity while in air. CL_YAWSPEED Syntax: cl_yawspeed Default: 140 The CL_YAWSPEED variable controls the speed at which the player turns when using the +LEFT and +RIGHT action commands. Keyboard, that is. D_ADRAWFLAT Syntax: d_adrawflat <0|1> Default: 0 The D_ADRAWFLAT flag controls whether alias models (eg. weapons and monsters, _not_ boxes) will be drawn without textures. D_SHOWSUBDIV Default: 0 Unknown. HOST_FRAMERATE Syntax: host_framerate Default: 0 The HOST_FRAMERATE variable affects the speed of the game. Maximum is 0.01, which is slowest. (I haven't ever noticed any change, but, then again, I haven't been playing over a network.) HOST_LINEREFRESH Default: 0 Unknown. HOST_SPEEDS Syntax: host_speeds <0|1> Default: 0 The HOST_SPEEDS flag controls the display of host speeds. (Additional info could be used...) NET_MESSAGETIMEOUT Syntax: net_messagetimeout Default: 180 The NET_MESSAGETIMEOUT variable controls the time in seconds the program will wait for messages before considering the connection broken. NET_NAKGRACETIME Syntax: net_nakgracetime Default: 0.5 Unknown. NET_PACKETTIMEOUT Syntax: net_packettimeout Default: 1.0 Unknown. One might guess that this has something to do with packet timeouts. NET_STATS Syntax: net_stats The NET_STATS command displays some statistical network information. NET_SPEEDS Syntax: net_speeds <0|1> The NET_SPEEDS flag controls the display of various network transfer rates. R_ALIASSTATS Syntax: r_aliasstats <0|1> The R_ALIASSTATS flag controls the display of information about currently visible alias models (e.g. weapons and monsters, _not_ ammo boxes). R_CLEARCOLOR Syntax: r_clearcolor The R_CLEARCOLOR variable controls the color that will be used at the map when there is nothing else to show at that point. There should be none of this unless you've gotten outside the map. Goodbye, HOM! :) R_CSHIFT Unknown. R_DMABUF Default: 0 Unknown. R_DRAWENTITIES Syntax: r_drawentities <0|1> Default: 1 The R_DRAWENTITIES flag controls whether to draw the entities (weapons etc.) in the map. R_DRAWFLAT Syntax: r_drawflat <0|1> Default: 0 The R_DRAWFLAT flag controls whether to draw all the polygons on the map without textures and colored distinctively. Though this does speed up the game, this probably hasn't been intended as a low-detail option, but is just a clearer way to see the polygons than R_SHOWPOLYS. R_DRAWORDER Syntax: r_draworder <0|1> Default: 0 The R_DRAWORDER flag controls whether to draw the map in backwards order, farthest first. Though this is probably just a debugging tool, it's a nice X-ray vision, too. :) R_DSPEEDS Syntax: r_dspeeds <0|1> Default: 0 The R_DSPEEDS flag controls the display of some timing information. (Yeah, right. What exactly do all these debugging lists show?) R_EDGECOUNT Syntax: r_edgecount <0|1> Default: 0 More debugging... details would be nice to know... R_FULLBRIGHT Syntax: r_fullbright <0|1> Default: 0 The R_FULLBRIGHT flag sets whether to draw every part of the map with maximum lighting, duplicating the "lite-amp" effect of Doom. R_GRAPHHEIGHT Syntax: r_graphheight Default: 10 The R_GRAPHHEIGHT variable controls the height of the graph when R_TIMEGRAPH is set. R_SHOWPOLYS Syntax: r_showpolys <0|1> Default: 0 The R_SHOWPOLYS flag sets whether to draw outlines of all the polygons in the map. This is an alternative to R_DRAWFLAT. R_SHOWVERTS Syntax: r_showverts <0|1> Default: 0 Unknown. One might think that this would show the vertices... R_SPEEDS Syntax: r_speeds <0|1> Default: 0 The R_SPEEDS flag sets whether to display some basic timing data. Even I understand the "ms" bit. :) R_TIMEGRAPH Syntax: r_timegraph <0|1> Default: 0 The R_TIMEGRAPH flag sets whether to show a graph which _might_ display system load or something. The height of the graph in pixels is determined by the R_GRAPHHEIGHT variable. R_WAVE Syntax: r_wave <0|1> Default: 0 The R_WAVE flag sets whether to show the world as if the player was underwater, ie. with the cool wavy effect. Going underwater doesn't change this flag, though, and setting this to 0 underwater doesn't remove the waves. SCR_COLORCON Syntax: scr_colorcon Default: 251 Unknown. SCR_CONSPEED Syntax: scr_conspeed Default: 300 The SCR_CONSPEED sets the speed by which the console will scroll in and out of the screen. SCR_OFSX SCR_OFSY SCR_OFSZ Syntax: scr_ofsX where X is x, y or z Default: 0 for all three. The SCR_OFSx variables are offsets to the player's viewpoint. SCR_OFSZ is for vertical offset, SCR_OFSY is for horizontal, and SCR_OFSX is for... whatsits- name. SCR_SHOWCACHETHRASH Default: 1 Unknown. SCR_XPARCON Default: 0 Unknown. SFX_ASYNCH Default: 0 Unknown, but might have something to do with asynchronic sound effects. :) SND_TIMING Default: 0 Unknown, but might have something to do with the timing of sounds. SV_ACCELERATE Syntax: sv_accelerate Default: 10 The SV_ACCELERATE variable sets the acceleration rate for players. SV_AIM Syntax: sv_aim Default: 0.93 The SV_AIM variable controls the treshold for autotargeting, ie. how far from an enemy must you be pointing for the weapon to automatically target it. With a value of 0 you can't miss, with a value of 1 you _almost_ always fire exactly where you point at. SV_FRICTION Syntax: sv_friction Default: 4 The SV_FRICTION variable controls the ground friction. Set this very low to get ice. Don't confuse this with SV_STOPSPEED. SV_FRICTION is about inertia. SV_STOPSPEED is about braking. SV_GRAVITY Syntax: sv_gravity Default: 800 The SV_GRAVITY variable sets the global gravity force. Set this low to get _high_ jumps. Also try the grenade launcher with low gravity in an open space. Grenades bounce off the sky! You can also set this to negative. SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE Syntax: sv_idealpitchscale Default: 0.8 The SV_IDEALPITCHSCALE variable controls how greatly the player's vertical pitch changes when looking at a place above or below her. Set this to 0 if you are bothered by the automatic reaiming in stairs. See also CL_PITCHDRIFTSPEED. SV_MAXSPEED Syntax: sv_maxspeed Default: 320 The SV_MAXSPEED variable is the upper limit for the speeds of the players. SV_MAXVELOCITY Syntax: sv_maxvelocity Default: 2000 The SV_MAXVELOCITY variable sets the upper limit for the speed of _any_ object. Setting this too low causes bullets to move inaccurately. Probably an error in rounding or something. SV_NOSTEP Syntax: sv_nostep <0|1> Default: 0 The SV_NOSTEP flag controls whether players can rise up the steps without jumping. Set gravity high, too, and there's only one way you can go: down. SV_STOPSPEED Syntax: sv_stopspeed Default: 100 The SV_STOPSPEED variable controls the rate of deceleration of players. Do not confuse this with SV_FRICTION. SYS_NOSTDOUT Default: 0 Unknown. SYS_TICRATE Syntax: sys_ticrate Default: 0.05 Unknown. V_KICKPITCH Syntax: v_kickpitch Default: 0.6 The V_KICKPITCH variable controls the amount of momentary change in pitch when the player is wounded. V_KICKROLL Syntax: v_kickroll Default: 0.6 The V_KICKROLL variable controls the amount of momentary change in leaning ("roll" seems to bee the Quake term) when the player is wounded. V_KICKTIME Syntax: v_kicktime Default: 0.5 The V_KICKTIME variable controls the duration of the "being shaken" reaction when the player is hit. VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE VID_DESCRIBEMODE VID_DESCRIBEMODES Syntax: vid_describecurrentmode vid_describemode vid_describemodes The video mode description commands give information about the available video modes. VID_DESCRIBECURRENTMODE tells what is the current video mode, VID_DESCRIBEMODE describes a specified video mode and VID_DESCRIBEMODES lists all available modes. (A lot of fuzz. One command would have been sufficient...) VID_MODE Syntax: vid_mode Default: 0 (VGA mode 13h) The VID_MODE variable sets the current video mode. VID_NUMMODES Syntax: vid_nummodes The VID_NUMMODES command tells the total number of available video modes. VID_TESTMODE Syntax: vid_testmode The VID_TESTMODE command changes to the specified mode for a couple of seconds, then returns to the original mode. This is useful when trying to see if a mode works. Of course, if changing to a mode crashes the program, it doesn't really matter. :) VID_WAIT Syntax: vid_wait <0|1|2> The VID_WAIT variable sets the buffering and waiting mode of the video adapter. Briefly put: 0 No waiting, double buffering. (?) 1 Wait for vertical blank, double buffering. 2 Wait for display enable, triple buffering. See the video.txt file by Michael Abrash for more detail.