-------------------------------------- Torgo Patch v.001b For Quake v1.01 Registered By Dr. Rigormortis/Scott Dalton yagyu@falcon.cc.ukans.edu -------------------------------------- This patch changes all the zombies in your levels to Torgos from Manos: Hand of Fate as seen on MST 3k. I originally planned to just have one in a level for DM fun, but I don't have a level editor yet, so here it is by itself. This package includes new graphics, sounds, and AI for the zombie which makes it act suspiciously like Torgo. Unfortunately, I only have half of Manos on tape, so some of the sound bites are kind of limited. If anyone out there has samples or can sample anything along the lines of "I am Torgo. I protect the place while the Master is away." or anything similar please send it to me at yagyu@falcon.cc.ukans.edu. This bastard is generally annoying and nearly impossible to kill. He'll follow you around, occaisionally smacking you and saying things to you, his theme music playing all the while. Get three or four together for a really interesting auditory experience. includes source Dr. Rigormortis -------------------- to install -------------------- place this directory in your quake directory and from the command line type: quake -game torgo -------------------- History -------------------- v.001b - This version. Still needs some work. If you have any torgo sound samples, please send them to me. -------------------- Future work -------------------- Once I get a model editor, give Torgo his frighteningly bulbous and oversized knees. Clean up the texture map a bit. Add more quips to Torgos vocabulary.