This is a Quake Texture Wad I made...... It contains EVERY texture in Quake v1.01, including the deatmatch level textures and ammo/health box textures. Build time: 20+ hours Known Bug: The large arch textures, such as wenter01 and wexit01, are not right. They are cut off. I am trying to figure out why. The utility I wrote to extract the textures might not be able to handle such large textures. Every other mip texture extractor I have seen also has this problem. Also, other wads, such as base.wad, medieval.wad, wizard.wad, etc. also have this problem. I am working on this as fast as I can. Anyone who can help, please E-Mail me! Please don't ask for the utility I wrote, I am not going to give it to anyone. It is very hard to use, and I only wrote it for my personal use. Besides, you don't need it, since every Quake texture is in this wad. The textures in this wad are named the exact same thing they were in the original id BSP's. They skip around alot in numbering and it's anybody's guess why some of the names are what they are. There are a few textures that are the exact same thing but with different names, and I left them that way so this wad would work with all existing levels. I did fix a problem that occured in some id levels, where a texture was named sky4, but was actually the texture for sky1. E-Mail me with anything else you find wrong with the wad. Support id Software and buy Quake, it's worth it! Visit the BSP Studio 32 homepage at Robert Miller Master_G on IRC