Light Styles Demonstrator v1.00 - by Jimmy "Gregor" McKinney The QuakeLab - DESCRIPTION: A long hallway with little alcoves. Inside each alcove is a light. Each light demonstrates the standard appearance of each type of light, as well as showing the effect of styles 1-11 on a standard "light" class. Contains this text file, a map, and resultant bsp. TEXTURES: (Up to you. This is a demonstrative file.) BRICKA2_1 ENTITIES: Any light entity & effect - a table is in the Lighting section at The QuakeLab. WHAT TO DO: Just for looking at to get a feel for each light and style. OPTIONS/COMMENTS: The lights are in order from the beginning of the level to the end, as follows: light light_torch_small_walltorch light_flame_large_yellow light_flame_small_yellow light_flame_small_white light_fluoro light_fluorospark light_globe eleven lights of class "light" with "style x" where x is the number from 1-11.