Shub's Teleporter For Dummies- A Guide to including that cool teleporter to your own maps By Don Petersen aka "ThunderBunny" The QuakeLab - TEXTURES: Whatever you want! ENTITIES: func_button or trigger_once (optional but highly recommended) misc_teleporttrain path_corner trigger_teleport WHAT TO DO: Put the 'misc_teleporttrain' entity where you would like the ball to start at. If you are using Worldcraft, this entity is NOT on the list and you will have to add it. The entity must have 'targetname' and 'target' fields. Targetname is what you wish the spike to be named. Target will be the name of the first path_corner to which it will travel. After you have filled this out, put a path_corner entity right on top of or next to the misc_teleporttrain. This path_corner should have a targetname that is the same as the target of your misc_teleporttrain(if this sentence is confusing to you, read it again. It's very important). The origin of this path_corner will be the actual location of the misc_teleporttrain when the level begins. Now, create a string of path_corners that will make up the trail you want the misc_teleporttrain to follow. This uses the same format as a func_train does. If you are not familiar with this, go to this URL for examples: After you've set up all of the path_corners and it moves on it's trail correctly, you should set up a trigger_teleport entity. Give it a target that is equal to the value of targetname used in the misc_teleporttrain entity. NOTE: There are a few quirks to this entity that make it sometimes difficult First, it does not just start moving as soon as the level is begun. If you wanted, you could have a func_button that has a target value that is the same as the targetname value on the misc_teleporttrain. As soon as the button were pushed, the ball would begin along it's designated path_corners forever. Another way would be to have a trigger_once that would be right under were the info_player_start is. That way, as soon as the level begins the player would start the misc_teleporttrain on it's path. There are many options to perform this task that would work equally well, these are only two examples. One thing I could never discover was if you could change the angle that you would face after teleporting to the ball. No matter what value I gave to angle, you always came out the same way. If anyone figures out a way to change this, please mail me at: OPTIONS: You may give the misc_teleporttrain a speed value as well, just like the func_train. It's default is 100. I'm not sure if you can give it a sound value, but I don't know why you'd want to...