The Subway Train - by Garry Cook The QuakeLab - TEXTURES: Medival, Metal, and Wizard wads. ENTITIES: trigger_hurt, 36 func_trains, many lights WHAT TO DO: Make a train car using brushes and textures of your choosing. Surround it with func_trains on each side and under the car. Make sure that they all move at the same speed and in the same direction. Next make a trigger_hurt with a dmg value of about 500 to guarantee gibbage. Place this on the floor under and around the train car. Each group of func_trains should have an extra light on each end where the next light in the 'tunnel' would be. Once all of this is complete, surround it with a dark textured box so that it doesn't leak and pop it in a level. OPTIONS: I also covered my floor with a CLIP texture so that a person could not get caught between the trains and mess up the effect (a problem I had with my escalator). Some other ideas I have are to add a teleporter into and out of the train car, and possibly add additional cars and an underground station. ed. The thrumming noise is an ambient_drone entity. This helps to make the illusion even more convincing by providing an engine-like noise.