-----------==========================------------------- -----------Quake 2 Windows Background------------------- -----------==========================------------------- Thanks for downloading the Quake 2 Windows background. This is for a windows backgraound of 640x480. If you have a larger background area mail me and i will resize to your needs. This background is a screenshot of the space/plane coming in towards the alien planet (from the starting film), with a Quake II logo thingy at the top. It is in a bmp file with 16 bit colour. Credits to the best games developer in the world (iD) for the best game in the world (Quake II). Paint Shop Pro software was used to make this file. Visit Ad's TF Sniper Nest website at: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ajames01/ Visit the I hate the Spice Girls do You?? Site: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ajames01/spice.htm Thanks a lot Enjoy the file and Quake II!! Adam James ]StO[AdArdMan e-mail: ajames01@globalnet.co.uk ICQ: 4847897 You are free to ditribute this zip in any way, but this text file MUST be included.