The Unofficial Quake2 Theme by BowZer ------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Contact Information ------------------------------ URL - Email - Brought to you by: "BowZer" ------------------------------ Requirements ------------------------------ 16-bit color setting on desktop Microsoft "Plus!" --------------------- INSTALLATION --------------------- Place all files in your themes directory. Usually "C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\" Extract them into a directory like "Quake2". --------------------- Fonts --------------------- Add Fonts from the directory through Control Panel/Fonts. Go into Windows Explorer and drag the font files (there're called .TTF's) over to the font window. -------------------- Icons -------------------- I think all the icons SHOULD work right, if the icons aren't working properly you can manualy fix them. To do so go under control panel, display, "Plus!" click on the recycle bin full, change icon, browse in the theme directory, click on "full.ico". Then do the same for empty, but use "empty.ico". I hope it works out okay for you though, it worked for me. :) ----------------- Distribution ----------------- This archive may be freely distributed as FREEWARE as long as the files are kept together and no modifications are made to this archive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright's and Trademark Notice Quake is a registered TM and Copyright of ID Software The exit wave is a clip for an album by "Daft Punk", it is a registered TM of Virgin Records. The start wave is a clip from a sample mp3 of the Quake 2 sound track. All rights reserved to Sonic Mayhem... I have no clue what I'm saying but basically, its their stuff... Don't mess with it! :)