Jan 20 1998 ******* (Quake II) ******* ================================================================ Title : LGM1 Filename : LGM1.zip Author : Ryan Parker Email Address : ryan.parker@mailcity.com Description : This map will hopefully be one of the first "big" maps of the tf2 community but unfortunately will be realeased at a late date after the tf2 patch is released. in this map there are basically 3 main levels the upperground, underground and the exterior which will be somewhat in between the two. The underground will contain the main power room that I have yet to design, the sewerage room, one respawning room, one "loadup" room, and also a pathway for a "secret" underground cavern that will lead you to numerous areas of the base without going through the normal chokepoints and halls. The mid level will contain the main command centre (flag room) that is shielded with plenty of security and not to mention many players. If you feel like james bond by all means try your luck with the system of if you wish to have it the proper and easier way, sneak an *enginneer in to the power room to cut of the power to the force field and also cause confussion by messing around with the lights. This midway point in the map will also contain the turbolifts to bring you to the surface and also a small "loadup" room and if I feel hardworking I will incorporate a proper monorailsystem that leads you from base to base or from base to mass driver. The upper level will contain another respawning room and another "loadup" room, a sniper's nest that will be used to defend the front of the base and also the way out of the base. The "exterior" of the bases will be somewhat plain with cliffs and surfaces that resemble the moon with a atmosphere feeling like mech warriors. the exterior will be dim in light and will have nice shadowy places where people can hide or sneak in without the snipers knowing assuming the sniper is sleeping on the job. I actually first planned this map way back in the beginning before tf2.5 but then when I nearly finnished making the map I nearly cried when I reallized that the map was way to big for quake1 because of the shere number of lights and entities that passed the 1024 limit now with quake2, I can do it and hopefully my optimism for this map won't be shadowed by any other major obstical Story : The story behind this map is somewhat dull but then who cares about story when you can have a good time? :) This entire map is situated on a asteroid mining community but after a grim war broke out between red and blue the asteroid that was surposedly destroyed with many other planets and mining communities came back online and sent a random sos signal. With the advent of the war and the mass driver that was built on the asteroid to fling mineral packets from the asteroid to a M classed planet. Since this war was still raging and no side was gaining mush sway in it, any side that gained the mass driver and with a few modifications, changed it into a inter- galactic cannon, it certain that either side that gains control of the gun will definately have a leading advantage over their foe. And so this is where red and blue right it out :) Other levels (Quake I) : nil (I never dared to release anything) suck to me! Other levels (Quake II) : nil * Construction * Base : New level for Quake II Editor(s) used : Worldcraft but finishing of with QE Radient Build Time : Very Very Very Long Textures used : Everything that looks good Compile machine : Texas Instrument 670CDT Brushes : currently unfinnished about 900+- / finished about 2000-3000 Entities : not more then 200 * Other Info * What more you want to know??!!