QUAKE2 SKINS 1/8/98 Author: Tim O'Connor (ShadowReaper) E-Mail: thanatos@warwick.net Files: cyberreaper.pcx *_i.pcx, shadowreaper.pcx *_i.pcx, commando.pcx *_i.pcx Instructions: Just unzip these to your \Quake2\baseq2\players\male directory Description: These are the first skins I have done period, s-reaper is just a variant of c-reaper, and commando is just commando. Use em, enjoy em :) DISCLAIMER: Skin authors may not use this skin as a base for other skins. This skin is available only for free distribution via BBS, FTP, and other free electronic means. This skin may not be included in any CD-ROM or other product whose sales earn profit for their publishers.