Type: Quake2 skin Name: Mumm-Ra Release Date: August 22nd, 1998 Author: Brian "Mumm-Ra" McGuire E-Mail: bmcguire@kineticsys.net Files: Mumm-Ra.pcx Mumm-Ra_i.pcx readme.txt Instructions: Unzip the two image files into your quake2/baseq2/players/male/ directory... and you're set. Description: A Quake2 male skin of the classic cartoon character from The cartoon "Thundercats" I have also done a Skeletor skin for Quake1... and Carwarz (a humorous PC for Doom1) so check them out! Credits: Mainly id software of course, but also very importantly Fritz "TheChosen" Schober, who made the Conan the Barbarian skin, which I used part of as a base for this skin... (and it's my understanding that this was ok with him, from reading his text file) Fritz, if you have a problem with this skin... give me an e-mail. Finally: Have fun with the skin, it's pretty crappy... I know, if it weren't for good ol' Fritz this skin would probably totally suck, but it was a rush job maybe i'll do a more refined Mumm-Ra skin later on, not sure. watch out for other stuff from me too! and keep an eye out for me on the servers, and IRC and just about anywhere... i'll be named Mumm-Ra wherever you find me, most likely. Again, have fun... thanks for picking up this skin. Oh by the way I'd obviously be a hipocrit to say you can't use this as a base for other stuff... so go ahead, do whatever... mention me, or not... but don't claim you did it! that's all...