Type: QUAKE2 SKIN Name: Sonya Blade File: MYSONYA.ZIP Date: 10-18 April 1998 Author: Reverend Theta a.k.a. Theta9[GUN] E-Mail: acetheta@earthlink.net Files: sonyablade.pcx sonyablade_i.pcx readme.txt Instructions: Just unzip all these files to your quake2/baseq2/players/female directory Description: This is the fourth skin I have made, and easily my best. Several skins of Mortal Kombat characters from various authors are available, but I have not yet seen a Sonya Blade skin, so I made one myself using the crudest of tools: The skin NUDECHIK.PCX was used as a base (I don't know who made it, sorry) and converted to .BMP format via LView Pro (the Win3.1 shareware version). The clothes were painted onto the body in MS Paint (that's right, you heard right, the Win95 built-in applet); also the boots and shoulder-pads were repainted from red to green, to match Ms. Blade's outfit. The whole shebang was reconverted to PCX via LView again. The face was unchanged, as I don't know how to do faces well. Other: Finishing touches on SONYABLADE.PCX were carried out on the newly- downloaded trial version of LView PRO for Win95, a far more powerful program than either Win95 Paint or LView for Win3.1. Rights: All Rites Reversed. Go ahead and distribute wherever you like but please include my readme so I get credit for it. I will consider it dishonorable if anyone makes any money by distributing this skin, unless said distributor cuts me and the creator of NUDECHIK in for a share ... I'm sure whoever owns the rights to the Sonya Blade character would have something to say about that as well .... Other Skins: Theta9 (my own skin) kidnuke (my brother, in a u) Quash (my neighbor/friend)