Quake2 Skin for Sydney Model [FILE NAME] : nude_syd.zip [AUTHOR] : Duddly [UTILITIES USED]: Used NPherno's Skin Tool & Paint Shop Pro. [FILES INCLUDED]: nude_syd.txt this file : nude_syd_pic.jpg screen capture of model with skins. : nude_syd.PCX & nude_syd_i.PCX skin files. This is the third and the last in a series of nude skin conversions for three seperate female Quake2 model that I use as eraser bots (CrackWhore, Scarlet, Sydney). Running 3D accelerated, lt. Blue CW, red scartlet, blk sydney. realistic shading. cw_nblnd2.zip 3 crack whore model nude skins. (light blue, dark blue, red). sc_adult.zip 2 scarlet model nude skins. (red) Scarlet is a conversion of fairie model, rescaled, etc.