These are 6 skins I created for Quake 2. Coelacanth.pcx: A really bad-ass-looking redhead female skin; has a Canadian flag armband, green eyes, and cool face-paint. Coelacanth_i.pcx: The icon image for Coelacanth. Coelacanth2.pcx: The same as Coelacanth, but with a U.S. armband. Coelacanth2_i.pcx: the icon. Eldritch.pcx: a minor adjustment to the female "Jungle" skin; has green eyes. Big improvement, IMHO. Eldritch_i.pcx: the icon. Scar.pcx: An insanely-grinning, green-skinned demonic creature with long reddish hair, red eyes, and lotsa, you guessed it, scars. One of very few skins where the guy is leering, rather than sneering. Male skin. Scar_i.pcx: the icon. Vixen.pcx: A similar version to Eldritch, but with red eyes instead. Vixen_i.pcx: the icon. Warzog.pcx: Skin for Clan Warzog, only for use by clan members. Similar to Scar, but with a "W" insignia on the stomach. Warzog_i.pcx: the icon. Weapon.pcx: added a few bells and whistles (i.e. lights) to the standard Quake 2 weapon; looks a lot better, and it's half the filesize! Designer: Viceroy Email: Homepage: Copyright February, 1998 by Marc Ares.