************************************************* *"South Park" Death skin - 12/16/97 * *by "Phantom Lord", aka Brad Emmons * *-phantomlord_@hotmail.com- * ************************************************* My third skin, and my second South Park skin. This one was obviously simple, but hey, so what, it still kicks ass! Of course it's hard to get that "robed" look when both legs are visible, but oh well. Working on my Mr. Garrison skin now. Hopefully I'll own Q2 soon so I can view these in the game instead of having to use md2view all the time (don't get me wrong, this program is VERY helpful to po' people like me who can't afford Q2 yet). DIRECTIONS: I can't try this on my own, so what my friends have told me to do: 1.Unzip this into your baseq2/players/male directory. Make sure you have both spdeath.pcx AND spdeath_i.pcx. 2.Load up Q2, go to multiplayer, player setup, and scroll until you get to the skin. Artists MAY use this skin as a base to create other skins. I mean, that's what _I_ did. This skin may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are authorized to put this skin on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. In other words, I don't give a damn what you do with it. But if you do something with it, I would like to know. -Phantom Lord phantomlord_@hotmail.com