QUAKE2 SKIN(S) The Seven male/female skins 2-8-98 Author: 7-YourGrandma E-Mail: scot@io-technologies.com Files: the7m.pcx - MALE the7m_i.pcx - MALE THUMBNAIL the7f.pcx - FEMALE the7f_i.pcx - FEMALE THUMBNAIL Instructions: Directories for file placement - the7m.pcx - quake2\baseq2\players\male the7m_i.pcx - quake2\baseq2\players\male the7f.pcx - quake2\baseq2\players\female the7f_i.pcx - quake2\baseq2\players\female the7skins.txt - quake2\baseq2\players (this file) Important: These skins are for The Seven team use ONLY - These are here so our skins will display properly for you when we (The Seven) play DM or CTF with teamskins. Please do not use these on yourself. Other: Male skin was constructed using "male/grunt" as a base. Female skin was constructed using "female/venus" as a base. Paint Shop Pro 4.14 Windows 95/NT version, and Quake2 color palette used. DISCLAIMER: Skin authors MAY NOT use this skin as a base for other skins. This skin is available for free distribution via BBS, FTP, and other free electronic means. This skin MAY NOT be included in any CD-ROM or other product whose sales earn profit for their publishers without prior written permission. //This isn't necessary, but gives credit where credit is due: PS: I used Gateway's layout for this text file. His email address is gateway@mobsters.com