=========================================================================== Title : Ctf2 map for use with internet play! Files : Hank1bf.bsp Date Finished (DD/MM/YY): 07-15-98 -touched up 07-16-98 Author : James Battles dba: Battles bail bonds Aka: Hank Email Address : battles@cybertron.com excerpt: the bf on this refers to bot friendly "I took the buttons off the doors so people with bots could use it as well + I added a secret room in one of the ceilings so when it gets hectic! bugs: yeah I will correct it later but the banner in blue base according to what angle is viewed is sometimes not visible! corrected-7/16/98 Description : I am not in the habit of doing alot of ctf2 maps , but what the heck! I had this map I had been tinkering around with , and it was going to join the group of maps at UCM , but the timing was all wrong. I just didn't seem to really fit in anywhere. Well thanks to Pax and Del they graciously let me off the hook so I could develop it on out. Anyway this is it and it's probably not through being developed but most certainly very playable at this point! This is A Capture style map. There are three ways into each base. 1. the conventional front entry"run on the right down the ramp entering, because the textures on the ramp have current" 2. A teleporter entry by way of a teleporter in the middle of the complex."just listen for the xian.wav drums and you will find them. Yes I said them. "same place one to blue and one to red. Follow the color coded ramps which btw are also currented.3. I have placed a single deathmatch respawn in each base "If you die and don't respawn in any of the others " Well you might get lucky! I have tried to make it fair, which means I put weapons on the ground in the base to give the lucky dm respawner a chance. Ok now we will address the exits! There are only two ways out! there is a bit of good news on this one however . One of the exits has two seperate doorways it can be accessed from. It would be either of the doorways on the back wall of the base ie: access to a teleporter. There is a price though , unless your pretty crafty , which I am sure alot will be. There is some running to do! The other way out is the front door . So take your pick and have fun! Additional Credits to : I wouldn't have done another ctf2 map without someone showing interest. I guess some credit goes to them! Yeah thats you Dan :) Special thanks to Dan Degeorge for spurring me on. Dan has graciously agreed to do my map shakedowns for me.So he will Have recieved this one before everybody else. I have another young friend that might get the opertunity to but he is waiting on a new isp so he can whip up on everyone. He also pushed at me until I did another one ie: ctf2 map So thanks will go out to Olov Eriksson in Sweden! Yes he's young but very sharp . when he get's his ISP together all of Europe is gona get an asswhippin! and special tanx from Hanx to the world listed below! All The beautiful people[you know who you are] Makers of the game and mods and editors alike! Mr. Duffy of QERADIANT 0.78ver. was fast up and coming! BUT NOW IT'S ALMOST THERE> at least me and ID software are of that opinion! Alright now for my old faithul. Oh yes this map was tinkered with by two editors. I will never give up my WORLDCRAFT. I dont't care what anybody says! And I am in epileptic siesures waiting on my copy of half-life with possibly 2.0 bundled with it. OH Baby are we gona ROCK or what! I just want to know one thing! Where can I pre-purchase TF2//// anybody at sierra reads this off and on BOYZ! Sorry I had a ////Ranting moment! =========================================================================== * Play Information * Need I even go into it? get the flag and score where your flag is and yes it must be there for ya ta score. Single Player : for a look see/// Deathmatch 4-whatever Players : CTF2 Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : no Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : None Build Time : off and on for a month or so///cant really say? QBSP3 : 45 seconds QVIS3 : >1hr QRAD3 : >1hr total = 2hr 30 minutes Compile Machine : P200/ 96 megs.Ram/monster 3d accelerator over stb lightspeed Editor(s) used : QERADIANT 0.78 / worldcraft reg. 1.6 Known Bugs : nope To Install: : Put the Hank1bf.bsp file into the /quake2/ctf/maps directory.If you dont have one then make it You know ie:new folder and name it maps! To Run : Get the mod for ctf2 + the server side and run you command line parameters x:\Quake2\quake2.exe +set game ctf + deathmatch + exec server.cfg When the game loads bring down the tilde and type map hank1bf [of course just to look at] If you have a server then you dont need advise from me! LIST of old REVISION: disreguard this we are not that far along yet! :) * Copyright / Permissions * It's freeware . that means no profit// It's a hobby //let me know if you like it! Look for the future to bring tf2 from me though. I like the more enthralled teaming up of groups that the tf2 will bring + the more of a challenging entity set.