February 14, 1998 ================================================================ Title : In the Halls of Mountain Kings Filename : ihmk2.zip Author : [KCS] Faelic, formerly Labrynth Author Email Address : faelic@iname.com Author URL : Quake Clan : Knights of the Crimson Spire Clan Url : http://www.cogent.net/~loer/kcs/ Author's Other Levels : Nine Mens Morris - kcsdm1 Description : DM/CTF map for Quake II Additional Credits to : id for Quake 2 Yahn for making BSP Deadmeat for BSP HQ ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : If you want.... Cooperative : If you _really_ want... Deathmatch : Yes Capture the Flag : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * More Play Info * There are two bases. For CTF, Red and Blue bases. There are alarm buttons which sound an intruder alert. "Hostiles have entered the base. Eliminate with extreme predjudice." The only 'push' button that does something else is the one between the teleporters in the war room. (Don't worry, you'll find it :-]) It breaks the glass in the sniper loft. So your team has a choice use it as an observation area for alerting teamates to incoming enemies or change it to a sniper loft where you could possibly get hurt. The two 'mini-bases' in the middle have no weapons, ammo, or armor, either hold them as long as possible if you wish or have teamates bring ammo etc. or do rotating shifts, just a little strategey dose, IMO. * Construction * Base : None Editor(s) used : BSP Known Bugs : Some textures were accidently misaligned One or two vis errors. (Damn stupid compilers.. j/k..) Build Time : Dunno how long I worked on .map file 8 hours or so compiling Texture Wad used : Various .wal's Compile machine : P200 - 32megs ram QBSP3 Time : 2043 secs QRAD3 Time : 21054 secs QVIS3 Time : 5053 secs * Copyright / Permissions * This file may freely distributed for non-commerical use as long as the following list of files are maintained aintain intact within the zip file and as seperate documents within the distribution archive: ihmk2.zip ihmk2.txt This file may NOT be distributed on any CD-ROM or other distibution method that may be used by any business or company that engages in the design, programming, duplication or distbribution of computer software except id software exclusively. This file MAY be distributed via electronic means via the Internet or freely available BBS subject to the conditions outlined above. If you would like to have the source of this map, please contact Faelic (faelic@iname.com)