================================================================ MOD: Quake 2 - CTF ================================================================ Date: : August 11, 1998 Title : The lost Maremma Filename : nectf1.zip Author : Francesco 'Nemo' Bancala' Email Address : bancaf@tin.it Description : Small but fast paced CTF map, good for up to 10 players Credits : John Carmack and Id Software for this kick-ass game Thanx to Paolo 'EarthBre@ker' Petrini, the webmaster at GIB Stop by http://www.gib.it and post your comment on the public forum Finally, a huge thanx to my testers -> Fech, G3no and Escher <- who gave me lots of useful suggestions. ================================================================ ** Play Info ** This map was made for being played with either CTF or LMCTF* so you need either CTF 1.02 or LMTE 4.0 in order to run it. BTW, if loading this map you get a "wrong number...should be 38" error it means you're trying to run it on quake1......if that's the case please read this doc again...you'll find a useful clue at the top of this .txt file. If the problem persistes, please do NOT mail me about. ** Construction ** Base : From scratch Time : 5 days + testing Editor used : QeRadiant b0.77 Known Bugs : None that i know of, in case you find one please mail me Known Tricks : You don't need to hook the mountain for coming out of the water, just look up and move forward (and quit pressing the "jump" key). ** Legal Stuff ** Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT authorized to distribute this commercially under any circumstances whatsoever.