Tuesday, March 2, 1999 ================================================================ Title : The Tomb of Terror Filename : q2e3m3.bsp Author : John Piraino "Tony Montana" Email Address : jpiraino@piraino.com (Look Ma!, I have my own domain!) : johnp@eyecom.com Web Site : http://www.eyecom.com/quake2 Additional Credits to : id Software for Quake 2 Matt and Paul for Qoole 99 (I recommend everyone to get this editor!) Tim Wright for ArghRAD Alps Printers - MD1000 (without this photo quality color printer creation of this map would have taken 10 times longer! Accurate colors with photo quality at a reasonable price) Greater thanks go to id Software for allowing Screen Shots! Beta testers : Jeremy "Monty Burns" Gruba Paulo "Tio" Cobbe Special Thanks to : My wife Alina for believing in me, My son Dominic for loving my creations and giving me the courage to keep going. All the guys at work, and my students that put up with my long boring programming lectures! Scott Alden from Ritual for helping me debug my Voodoo2 SLI problem. Other Maps By Author Quake: - Nothing for public release - Quake 2: - Nothing for public release - ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Look around all you want Cooperative : No Deathmatch 2-8 : You bet! Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None CD Track : 0 ================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level inspired by Quake's Tomb of Terror (e3m3) Editor(s) used : Qoole 99 Known Bugs : None Build Time : 10 Days Construction Specs : QBSP3 : 11 Seconds QRAD3 -threads 6 -level 4 : 1:57 (1 minute, 57 seconds) ArghRAD -threads 4 -bounce 40 -extra : 5:32 (5 minutes, 32 seconds) System : Pentium II 400 Dual Processor Motherboard : SuperMicro P6DBE Memory : 256 MB Video : STB nVidia 128 STB Black Magic 12 MB Voodoo2 (SLI) Operating System : Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 ================================================================== Author's Notes: I have always loved this map in Quake. It still is one of our favorites at work to play when we all can get together during lunch. Through all the great conversion of Quake maps to Quake 2, no one has ever duplicated "The Tomb of Terror". I personally have become terribly addicted to Quake 2 yet have my longings for my favorite Quake maps. Therefore I was inspired to make the conversion. When I orginally set out to do this map, I started with "Base" type textures. Although it looked great (according to my son Dominic), to me, the map didn't play like the original. I scrapped that model, and moved to the textures in e1u3 which supplied the brick and cement textures that replaced the metal skulls in the original map. Once I started with this version, I realized that the map was very "grey", so I started playing with the colored lighting effects wich gives the map a whole new look and feel. My wife adores it now. (Thanks Jeremy for the colored light compliments!) I tried to keep the map as original as possible. Entity placement is close to the original map as I could possibly make it. The difference is the inclusion of grenades, as in Quake, you could use rockets for the Rocket Launcher as well as the Grenade Launcher. I had to place Grenades in the map. There is a BFG hidden, but use of this weapon is almost instant death for the user, as the halls are too small for BFG. You'll kill yourself using it! (ask Dominic). He said I should substitute the Rail Gun, but that makes things too easy in the long hall!. I have looked into the switching between the BFG and Rail Gun, (ala Tokay's Towers) but I couldn't find any information on how to do this nor did anyone respond in the news groups. The shooters by the ramp have been replaced with Blasters. I wasn't too keen on blasters, but it was as close as I could get. I tried different techniques, but this was the best that I could do to emulate the original map. Blasters shoot out too fast in relation to shooters in Quake. I tried playing with a Timer, but once the timer was set off, I could not find a way to turn it off. A multiple trigger did not work, nor did the button you stepped on. I tried triggering the shooters to the button, but only one shot was released. The shooters in the hall going to the large room was replaced by lasers, because I couldn't get blasters to go slower than what they are in the previous room. If I could toggle a timer on and off, I would have been set! I hope you enjoy playing this map as much as everyone did testing it. All of us "Tomb of Terror" fans enjoyed playing this map as much if not more than the original Quake map. Have fun! ================================================================== * Legal Stuff * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation as long as you include this text file, get my written permission and of course give me credit. Tony Montana