================================================================ Title : Moonsault Scramble Date : April 1999 Filename : bcdm1.bsp Author : Donkey99 [Brendon Chung] Email Address : blender81@hotmail.com Description : A gothic-themed deathmatch arena that takes place during a spooky midnight (Don't worry, there's lights everywhere) Additional Credits to : id software, for sucking up all my time. valve, for making worldcraft tim wright, for arghrad ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Deathmatch : yes, 5 respawn pads the level is designed for 1-on-1 matches Cooperative : no Difficulty Settings : no ================================================================ * Construction * Base : new level from scratch was inspired by a Quake 3 screenshot Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6a (woohoo!) ArghRad 2.01 Known Bugs : not that I know of Build Time : a week Compile machine : P2/300, 64Mb ram, Win98 QBSP Time : 5 sec QVIS Time : 50 sec QRAD Time : 65 sec Brushes : 248 Entities : 37 ================================================================ * Other Info * I began by re-creating a screenshot from the upcoming Quake 3 Arena, and from there, I just liked how it looked and so this level was built. There is an obvious influence by Q2DM1 "The Edge", which is my favorite Quake 2 deathmatch level. The level is really really tight, so there is not much quiet-time during matches. The weapons that are not included are the hyperblaster, railgun, and BFG. Thanks if you downloaded this map. If you have any comments, questions, or requests, e-mail me at blender81@hotmail.com thanks! ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * This level is (c) 1999 Brendon Chung. You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact discs, and floppy disks. blender81@hotmail.com