June 29, 1998 ================================================================ Title : Envy Flows Filename(s) : envyflos.bsp Author : Mike Daugherty [aka Jerkoff (and a dozen other aliases)] Email Address : ninbroke@silcon.com Homepage : http://silcon.com/~ninbroke/ Description : Deathmatch level for Quake2 Additional Credits to : id Software, for Quake and Quake2 Ben Morris, for Worldcraft Ridah (impact.frag.com) for Eraser Bots ================================================================ ----INSTALLATION---- Copy ENVYFLOS.BSP into a subdirectory of quake2\baseq2 called maps. (i.e. c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run quake2. *To just take a look at the level in single player, go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in "map envyflos". The .bsp extension should not be typed in, and neither the inverted commas. *To play this map with Eraser Bots or with any other bots, follow the directions included with the particular bot. -------------------- ---------------Play Information--------------- Level Name(s) : Worn and Torn Single : NO Deathmatch 3-14 : Yessir (more than 14 may get a little uncomfortable) Coop : NO Comments : R_speeds jump to around 900 or so in one area or two, but I don't believe they get any higher than that. ---------------Construction--------------- worn.bsp Base : built from scratch Build Time : 20 hours Entities : 311 Brushes : 1206 BSP file size : 1.67mb Compile time : About 5 hours On a Pentium 200 MMX running Win95 with 64mb RAM. ----------------------------------------- Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6a Registered Known Bugs : Some wacky shit may happen due to the rotating "platform" in the center (i.e. bodies getting stuck, weapons jamming the platform) but I just like to think of it as "part of the gameplay" :) There's also one particular bug when you look through the quad-whole from a certain area. Probably hundreds more, so I'll just stop there... ---------------Legal Stuff--------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation without permission. **** Where to get this MAP and my others **** http://silcon.com/~ninbroke/ -------------------------------End of Document-------------------------------------