================================================================ Title : GibFest 1 Filename : gibfest1.bsp Author : Mark "Shadow" Reddick Email Address : mr@rccentral.com Homepage : http://www.rccentral.com Description : I made several DM maps that we played on a LAN at an old job. There were many before this but this was the first one that I thought was good enough to release. This was our favoriate DM map to play in our office with 4 or 5 players at a time. Philosophy : This level is pretty well armed. We found that most DM levels we played could be dominated by one person (at least in our 4/5 player games) once they learned where the rocket launcher was and they could protect it. After much tweaking, this level now remains very competitive for all players during the whole course of the game...even after hundreds of plays. This was done mainly by placing rocket launchers equally around the map so no one person could possibly guard all of them. Additional Credits to : Stone, Terminator and Roy for many many hours of play testing :) Also, I must thank id for creating such a wonderful game in the first place. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake 2 Single Player : Yes (Walk-thru only) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level Build Time : Several months on and off Texture WAD used: None Editor(s) used : Qoole Known Bugs : None * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- This map is (C)1999 Mark Reddick You may not use this file or any parts of it to create derrivative works (basically don't mess with it.) The original unaltered ZIP file containing the BSP file and this text file may be distrubuted by any means as long as it is FREE.