=============================================================================== Title : Links Filename : links.BSP Version : 21/11/98 Author : Robert McLachlan Alias : Grom Email Address : grom@the-asp.demon.co.uk Description : My first released level (don't know how far this will get), and the last one I do without planning beforehand on paper. ;) Additional Credits to : P for loads of encouragement, advice and laffs (and for setting up the Wireplay Mappers Guild, of which you'll see more info below) Jekub for starting me off on this map in the first place, and Gazza, Veneer, KolKab and Teethgrinder for helping playtest it. Also PlanetQuake's Editing index, Ravages of Radiant and Rust for all the info I needed to start making levels. And also id Software for starting it all off... =============================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake 2 Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes, 8 dm starts - 8 players may be a little hairy at times :) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : new map, although I did one room first (RG room) then left it for ages before my mate Jekub encouraged me to build a level around it. (so you can blame him hehe) Build Time : Ugh, on and off for about a month - probably 15 hours in total Compile Time (approx) : QBSP - 20 seconds QVIS - 8200 seconds QRAD - 1200 seconds on a P200MMX with 64Mb RAM Editor used : QERadiant - just got build 135, but this was made with 77 QERadiant is the best! hehe Known Bugs : Errrm... OK from the top: r_speeds are too high for my liking in many parts of the map, but there's a limit to what you can do to a map when you haven't thought it all out fully before building it - doh! Just bear in mind there used to be some places with a w_poly count of 1500 at vis level 4 before I moved a few things :) Some lights shine through floors, most noticeably in the room with the ramps and the RL in it. Got rid of all of them except for two, which just wouldn't go. grrr. Not really properly playtested in depth - I'm hoping we will be able to have fun with it someday, but I can only do 1on1 with it over my LAN and bots tend to stand in corners a lot and not jump around too much. Sooo... not too many major bugs, eh? ;) Just fixed slight problem with dm starts pointing at walls... * How to use this level * Copy the links.bsp file in this archive into Quake2/baseq2/maps then type 'map links' in the console. * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright by me, so there. You can't make money out of this map without asking me - and though I would be amused to see it on one of those level collection CDROMs, you still have to ask me first. * Info about where to get this map etc. * Wireplay (www.wireplay.com) is a nice dial-up service for playing Quake2 and lots of other games. It is a bit more expensive than the net and sometimes rather slow, but the extra money is worth it for the excellent community that exists on the service. For more about Q2 on Wireplay, visit: http://wpq2central.llamanet.net/ Also for the Wireplay Mapper's Guild visit: http://www.bomb.net/wmg/ You should be able to get this map and a few others there - not sure where else this will turn up - if you're reading this, you've found it somehow! 21/11/98