- INFO - Made With: Qoole And Quark Made In: accurately at 14-15 hours Made By: Jammer Status of Map: QuakeČ (Deathmatch) Single player: Yes, You May look around. - Additional "Review" Map Is A little Small, Room Wise, (And Size) but It's probaly good for 4-5 Players, Anymore than 6 would probaly be one Hell of a Slaughter Fest. For GL Users: I don't Think you'll Ever see a speck of White light in this map, For Software Users: Yes, you'll see a lot of white light. Me And a friend played on this map for about 70 minutes, not that bad, I'm thinking I should of renamed the map to "Campers Haven" or something to the statement though :) Have fun on the map, hope to get some feedback from it, too. - To Use Place Map in X:\quake2\baseq2\maps , and load up quake2. Once Loaded, Type: map hh in the console and you're Set :) (The X in X:\quake2\baseq2\maps refers to the drive that you may have Quake2 installed on) -Jammer- (Mike T. = http://www.jam32.dyn.ml.org / IRC Server: undead.dyn.ml.org Chan: #chatzone , Alias: Mike) - UPDATE: 5/19/98 - Due to popular demand, I have added 2 new spawn points in the map, this should make playability a bit easier in Deathmatch, Sorry for this confusion! :) Enjoy! - UPDATE: 5/20/98 Geesh, I may as well label this bitch as beta, ay? heheh. ok, I fixed up all the textures, now it looks sweeter than hell, hope you guys have fun!