========================================================= Title : HEAVY METAL OUTPOST Filename : hmo.bsp version : v1.0 (revised 2/22/99) Description : Deathmatch level for Quake 2. Four boxes stacked on top of each other. Duh. Author : Rich "Zdim" Carlson Email Address : zdim@onramp.net ========================================================= ** Play Information ** Single Player : you can look around Cooperative : --- Deathmatch : 7 starts. ** Construction ** Base : original level Editor : QERadiant Build Time : 10 hours Compile : full vis / "extra" qrad Compile Time : 10 minutes, 21 seconds (P2-300, 128mb ram) ========================================================== *** Copyrights/Permissions *** This map design (hmo.bsp) is copyright 1999 Rich Carlson. This map MAY NOT be used as a base for other levels. This map MAY be distributed on bbs sites or the WWW, as long as this text file is included, intact. This map MAY NOT be distributed on CD or floppy without the author's permission. ; ) =========================================================