03/21/98 =========================== Game : Quake II Title : Damner Filename : jazz1.bsp Author : David M. Spell (with great input from Darin Smith) Nick : whitejazz Email Address : david@whitejazz.com ================================================================= Description : Insanely fun deathmatch level. Great for 1-on-1 matches. Play to 50! Additional Credits to : id software, Matt Ayres & Paul Hsu (Qoole), the entire Quake Community. Beta Testing Crew : Darin Smith (mrdarin) Please send me a (small) zipped demo! I love demos! ================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (2-4 players) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ================================================================= * Editing Information * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.34 beta Known Bugs : None, but it exits to jazz2 Build Time : 1 week in spare time (around 12 hours) ================================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright Notice: THIS LEVEL MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. IF YOU PAID IN ANY WAY TO GET THIS LEVEL, YOU ARE BEING RIPPED OFF AND SO AM I - REPORT THIS TO david@whitejazz.com This file (jazz1.zip containing jazz1.bsp, and jazz1.txt), or any derivative works thereof, may not be sold or redistributed for profit in any way without express written permission of the author. This includes, but is not limited to, mass archival as on a cd-rom and inclusion in commercially published compilations (books and/or magazines). You are free to copy this file for personal use, or to make it available for redistribution in its electronic format, provided that: (1) it remains wholly unedited and unmodified, (2) no fee or compensation is charged for copies of or access to this file, and (3) this copyright notice and the following disclaimer remain attached. Disclaimer: This file is provided by the author "as is", and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In absolutely no event shall the authors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of the information herein contained, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Copyright ©1998 David M. Spell All rights reserved. The above format and legal notices courtesy Matt Sefton. http://www.planetquake.com/spq/matt/