# Map Information ### ------------------------------------------------------- 07.23.99 --- Title : The Gridiron Filename : lun2dm1.bsp Author : Lunaran Email Address : LtCmdrLun@aol.com Misc. Author Info : Old enough to drive, but not vote. Accepts feedback. Shameless Plug : Visit http://www.fragland.com/ltcmdrlun/ Additional Thanks to : id, Rust, id, Thrilla, Mr. Kesk, Mr. Shambler, id, Santa Claus, Biff #1, Biff #2, id, Douglas Adams, and anybody who's ever made a map that I've at least tried to learn from. # Play Information ### ------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Very small 1on1 or 4-player FFA. Made extra-insane by the addition of two pairs of teleporters. Any more than 2 or 3 players and it is reccomended that 'weapons stay' be turned on. Due to the small nature of the map, games can often be very fast and bloody, which I tried to offset with lots of health and armor. Even so, any more than four players can be a frustrating mess. : Third map released by the author. Map originally constructed sometime last year, then rediscovered and reworked now that I'm a better mapper. : The map's name comes from the way it was built. From above, the pillars and cieling supports make a big grid. : Eraser bot route table bundled with the zip. One should unzip in one's routes directory. Player Base : Free-For-All Number of Players : 2-4 Item Load : SSG, CG, HYB, RL, GL; 3 YA's, 1 RA, 1 Bandolier & a MH; 6 +25 medkits. # Construction ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Base : New level from scratch Texture Set : Warehouse (e1u2) Construction Time : Original map, 18 hours. Reworking, 18 hours more. Prefabs Used : None! Max R_Speeds : 585 Wpolies, 1000 Epolies w/weapon & w/o other players. Editor(s) used : QERadiant build #140-whatever, despite frequent crashes. *cough* Known Bugs : None. Vis errors were carefully weeded out. Let me know of any more. # Compilation ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QBSP3 time : 18 seconds QVIS3 time : 2 minutes, 2 seconds ArghRad 2.01 time : 20 mintes, 11 seconds Lighting Params : -extra -chop 32 -choplight 16 -bounce 40 Compile Computer : PII 300mhz, 128 megs of RAM, Win98 # Copyright / Permissions ### ------------------------------------------------------------ Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels. Make your own damned maps. You MAY distribute this file by any means, provided you leave it unaltered, include this text file, also unaltered, and do not charge a red cent for this file other than normally incurred online charges or otherwise. #=================================================# | -- "Vell ... Zaphod'z jus zis guy, you know?" | #=================================================#