============================================================================================ Title : Depot of Decimation Filename : mkdepot.BSP ZIP Size : 556 Kb BSP Size : 1.12 Mb (unzipped) Version : 24th December 1998 Author : Martin "Killer" Kilcoyne E-mail : martin8@clara.net Web Site : http://www.martin8.clara.net Updated on a regular basis, "Killer's Map and Skin Repository" contains all my Quake II maps and skins. When working on a new project, I usually post screenshots here so you can have a sneak preview of what it's going to look like. If you liked this map please go and check out my other work here. All my maps and skins have screenshots so you can see what you are getting before you download. There is also a fair sized link section to Quake II related sites. Description : Thank you for downloading my 9th Quake II deathmatch map, I hope you enjoy it :-) This map was originally going to be part of a map pak called K-T Impakt (due out first quarter 1999, check out my web site for details) but Thanatopsis and me both decided that it was not of sufficient calibre to warrant inclusion. We are aiming to make this pak a f***ing *good* one ;-) I decided to release it because I spent a hell of a lot of time on this and wasn't about to let it go to waste. Please don't let the fact that we decided that this map wasn't good enough to be in the pak put you off, I am still quite happy with the finished result (I wouldn't publish it if I didn't like it :-) Sincere thanks to all the playtesters who helped me out on this map (Thanatopsis, ChessDogg, Gilbert Johnson, Deadstar and Vigilante of Team C.O.T.V.). Now for the proper description. This map is in the WareHouse theme (q2dm8) and is my attempt to reproduce the excellent playability of that map. It is very similar in terms of texturing but simpler in terms of architecture (although it still weighs in at well over 2000 brushes). I don't think that it is as large as q2dm8 but is definitely my biggest map to date (considering the floor area). As in dm8 the catwalks play a major role and are present in every room. These are great for grenading or rocketing from >:-) The largest of the five rooms seems to be where the majority of the action takes place. I tried to remedy this by placing some heavy weaponry in the other rooms. This spreads the action about a bit but the map did not turn out as balanced as I hoped. Every weapon is present except for HyperBlaster and BFG. There are a couple of nice surprises in there too ;-) All rooms have more than two exits so flow and connectivity should not be a problem. I tried to keep connecting corridors short but I had to make them twist a bit in places to keep r_speeds down. R_speeds are good, well better than I thought they would be because the main room is *big* They average about 300 and max out at 700 in one or two very small areas :-) These figures are based on the software renderer as people seem to go off those rather than the higher figures that are displayed in the 3DFX OpenGL renderer. I thought I would have needed hint brushes in this one but just making the corridors bend a bit eliminated the need for them :-) Quite a few target_speaker in there but nothing dramatic, just some nice ambient sounds to listen to while you are dealing out death and destruction >:-) Finally, about the name, sorry I just couldn't think of anything better :-( I know it's corny but hey as long as the map is good what does it matter ;-) Please e-mail me and let me know whether you enjoyed this map or not, I'd love to hear your conmments. Oh and remember to keep an eye on my website for K-T Impakt news, I think you are gonna love it when it's done :-) Thanks for reading. ============================================================================================ By the way if you run or know of any server running this map then please e-mail me (martin8@clara.net). ============================================================================================ N.B. (Eraser users only): I have also included a route table in this zip. This will allow you to start using the map immediately with the Eraser Bot without having to "teach" the bots the level. To use it just unzip the file "mkdepot.RTZ" into your "C:\quake2\eraser\routes" directory BEFORE you load the level for the first time, otherwise a route called "mkdepot.RTZ" will be automatically created and you will have to delete this and then replace it with my version. ============================================================================================ Other Stuff by Author : Levels: The Arena (regular deathmatch version) [mkarena.BSP] The Arena (CTF version) [mkarenactf.BSP] The Arena (conference version) [mkarenaconf.BSP] Another Warehouse Level [mkwhouse.BSP] Superposition [mksuper.BSP] The Triple Towers [mktriple.BSP] Balcony Blitz [mkblitz.BSP] Metallic Resistance [mkmetal.BSP] Resistance Is Futile [mkfutile.BSP] The Rust Bucket [mkrust.BSP] Skins: Captain Jean Luc Picard [picard.PCX] Lieutennant Commander William Riker [riker.PCX] Lieutennant Commander Geordi La Forge [geordi.PCX] Lieutennant Worf [worf.PCX] Doctor Beverly Crusher [crusher.PCX] Duke Nukem [duke.PCX] Max (combat pants and Sepultura T-shirt) [max.PCX] Houston Rockets (basketball uniform) [rockets.PCX] ALL THE ABOVE ARE AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD LOCALLY FROM MY WEBSITE: HERE YOU WILL ALSO FIND LINKS TO OTHER DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS (CDROM.COM AND MIRRORS ETC.) ============================================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake II Single Player : Just to check out weapon placements etc. Deathmatch : Yes. 14 spawns. Difficulty Settings : No. New Sounds : No. New Graphics : No. Demos Replaced : No. * Construction * Base : New map from scratch. Build Time : Roughly 45 hours over about 6 weeks. Brush Count : 2253 (of which 473 are entities) Compile Machine : Pentium 166 MMX, 32 Mb RAM, 4 Mb Righteous 3D 3DFX Card. Compile Time : 1 hour 20 minutes. Editor(s) Used : QERadiant 135 (powerful yet easy to use). Known Bugs : None. * How To Use This Level * Unzip the file "mkdepot.bsp" into your "quake2/baseq2/maps" directory. Start up Quake II and bring up the console then type "map mkdepot". * Additional Credits * ** Obviously, all credit to ID SOFTWARE for creating the QUAKE II phenomenon. ** Also to ROBERT DUFFY for QERADIANT; a class level editor, download it from: . ** Thanks a million to Thanatopsis for suggesting the map pak and working with me on it, I think it is going to be a cracker :-) ** Thanks to all the beta testers who helped me with the map: Thanatopsis, ChessDogg, Gilbert Johnson, Deadstar and Vigilante of Team C.O.T.V. ** My appreciation to RYAN FELTRIN, creator of the most excellent ERASER BOT; a superb piece of programming, download it from: . ** Loads of thank you's to Captain DynaBaul and his superb map review site for reviewing my maps (and giving them cool scores :-) Go check out that web site (once you've played the map of course :) ** Thanks to Stupak at the map review site "A World Of Quake 2" for reviewing my maps. Go to: ** Thanks to the guys at the Quake II map review site "Multi-Player Quake" for reviewing my other Quake II deathmatch maps. Check out the cool web site at: . ** Thanks to Christoph "Gonzo" Werner over at Gonz-O-Matic for reviewing The Rust Bucket, check out his Quake and Quake II review site at: ** Thanks to my mate GARETH BRIGGS for perserveering with Quake II map editing after a spell of really shitty luck with VIS errors etc. You are the only mate I can talk to about Q2 map editing without falling asleep :-) Keep up the work on your map, I'm sure it will turn out cool in the end. ** Finally, thanks to my cousin PAUL LEES for downloading QERadiant and the Eraser Bot for me before I got my internet connection :-) * Copyright / Permissions / Legal Bullshit * You may NOT use this map as a base for other maps. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this BSP through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. If any magazines want to put this map on a cover CD, then make sure you ask me first, send me a copy and we'll be straight :-) ======================================================================================MK98==