** For information on where to put the textures look further down on this .txt under installation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game : Quake 2 (DM) Title : Little Drug 2 Filename : mnzrld2.bsp URL : http://www.dodgenet.com/~cole/littledrug2/ Release Date : Monday, September 21, 1998 Author : Cole Savage (manzer) E-mail : cole@dodgenet.com Author Homepage : none, although I'm thinking of making one Other Levels : Check the Little Drug 2 page. You can find links for all my old Doom 2, Duke 3D, and Quake levels. Description : My first Quake 2 level, but definitely not my first level. This level is a little bigger than most of the levels I have built in the past, in turn it also has higher r_speeds than most of my past ones too. :( I like to think this level is a warehouse, although it really doesn't look it. I suggest no less than 4 people, any less and DM would just be too slow. Additional Credits to : * id Software for Quake 2 * Preacher for making the Little Drug 2 logo that is on the Little Drug 2 web page * Fingers, Preacher, Deadmeat, Trebz, Babelfish, Argh, smokyg, malekyth, dr_rig, and the countless others that told me how high my r_speeds are.. ERR.. that helped me beta test I meant * Jeff from Ramshackle for posting news of the beta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** INSTALLATION *** 1) Unzip the mnzrld2.zip file to x:\quake2\baseq2\maps\ (where x: is the drive letter) 2) Take the 4 .WAL files that have just been unzipped and place them in x:\quake2\baseq2\textures\mnzr\ 3) Leave the .BSP and .TXT file in the x:\quake2\baseq2\maps\ directory 4) Load Quake 2 and hit the tilde key (~) to bring down the console 5) Type "map mnzrld2" (without the quotes) and you should be ready to rock * Play Information * Game : Quake 2 (DM) Single Player : To explore the map (and to find the "amazing" crate *HINT HINT*) Deathmatch : This level should be suitable for 4 to 20 players * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Build Time : If you count all the days and weeks I didn't work on this map, I'd say about a week's worth of work for everything. That's just an estimate though. Known Bugs : * There are some minor vis errors in various places in the level. You probably wont find them unless you look closely. * There are some high r_speeds in a certain area. I'm sure you'll notice.. I did everything withen my power to lower them, didn't help much :( Compile machine : P233mmx with 64 megs SDRAM QBSP3 : 512 seconds QVIS3 (-level 4) : 13,585 seconds QRAD3 (-extra -chop 32) : 24,418 seconds Brushes : 2167 Entities : 118 Textures : doomwood.wal - Something I pulled out of Doom brownbrick1.wal - Edited Quake brick texture metal2.wal & metal3.wal - I did these on my own (woo) * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1998 Cole Savage. This level may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This level may not be distributed on any commercial CD-ROM without prior, explicit consent from Cole Savage.