================================================================ Title : QuadWhore Filename : quadw.bsp Author(s) : Matt Olson (aka DirtyBorg) Email Address : mjolson@ualberta.ca Description : Small-ish Quad-centric DM level in the E1U1 texture set (i.e. lots of steel) Additional Credits to : Yahn Bernier, for BSP DeadMeat, for the BSP tutorials ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : QuadWhore Single Player : I suppose, but it'll be boring... Cooperative 1-32 Player : No Deathmatch 2-32 Player : Yes! 4 players is sweet, 6 is intense Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Sound Track : None (though Rammstein works well...) Demos Replaced : No .map Included : No Software needed to play : Quake 2 (ctf, normal quake etc.) Comments : This is the first Quake 2 map that I've felt good enough about to release. Definitely inspired by ZTN and Headshot, though not at the same caliber... yet. :P Tried to keep r_speeds low, and they're below 400 in most places (and never above 450). Lots of ammo, lots of health, six weapons (2xSSG, RG, RL, CG, GL), one yellow armor. * Construction * Base : None Build Time : About a week Times & stats :System Used : P2/300, 64MB, TNT Qbsp : 5 seconds Vis (-level 4) : 20 seconds Light (-extra) : 218 seconds Brushes : 448 entities : 42 miptex : buh? Texture WAD used: E1U1 texture set Editor(s) used : BSP 0.93b Known Bugs : Some minor (IMHO) texture misalignments, some places that could use clip brushes don't have them (not as many as when I started, though). * Legal Stuff * -------------------------- Go wild. Do whatever you want with this level, as long as you distribute it with this text file. If you use this level as a base for your own (heh), give me _some_ credit. :P (Template level description provided by Kyle 'ObserveR' Lemke of http://www.planetquake.com/future/)