December 23, 1997 ================================================================ Title : Rectangular Death Filename : rec.bsp Authors : Lee "eepers" Perry Email Address : Description : Deathmatch level for Quake 2. Additional thanks to : id Software, Josh Jay, Brian Patenaude, David Cash and Tom Hall for playtesting... ================================================================ ---------------Play Information---------- Level Name : Rectangular Death Single : Absolutely worthless Quake2 DM 2-8 players : A blast for any number, best with 3 to 6... Comments : The whole in the sniper box floor is best passed through while crouching, and you MUST crouch in order to pass through the vents at the top of the two lifts or to effectively shoot from the rim around the ring... ---------------Construction--------------- Base : built from scratch Build Time : 6 hours. ------------------------------------------ Editor(s) used : BSP, QE4, Worldcraft. Known Bugs : whole in sniper post is kinda tight, but is useable ---------------Legal Stuff---------------- You may NOT include this map in ANY sort of compilation, or sell it in ANY way, shape or form unless you contact me to arrange something to the contrary. **** Where to get this BSP **** ----INSTALLATION---- Copy the .bsp into a subdirectory of baseq2 called maps, (ie c:\quake2\baseq2\maps) Then run quake2. Go into the console by pressing the key left of the 1 key (~), and type in "map rec". -------------------- PLAY NOTES: RUNNNNNN!!!! Please email me with any suggestions for playability or any other comments (or ideas for future maps, if they're REALLY solid).