5th september 1998, 4:30am ================================================================ Title : SPoG's first sort of groovy DM map Filename : SPoGDM1.bsp Author : SmallPileofGibs (aka [UKF]SPoG) Email Address : spog@quakeclan.net Homepage : Clan page: http:\\clans.quake2.co.uk\ukf\ Description : This is my first complete map. Its also the map i started when i first tried map editing in the first place. You might notice its a BIG map - try not to get lost =). Since I play in 320*240 software mode (and complain about how crap it looks) I tried to make it look decent enough for those with no GL, but if you have decent GL hardware it looks very much better =). The architecture is mostly inspired and adapted from id's maps especially sewer64 and strike - my personal favourite map designs. Additional Credits to : id Software, (UNR)Tasan and [RSC]Billox for compiling help, [eXe]Deadmode for, er stuff, Skeeve for giving great feedback ("its big"). Info about the Author : Q2 addict, perfectionist, inept Other Levels by Author : coming soon ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : See the sights Cooperative : Guided tours! Deathmatch : 25 deathmatch starts * Construction * Base : From scratch - with 'inspiration' =) Editor(s) used : QERadiant build 042 thru 077 Other Prog(s) used : Quake II - instead of working on map Known Bugs : Lentils Build Time : A few hundred hours over 3-4 months Texture Wad(s) used : Most of pak0.pak Build Machine : P200MMX, 32MB Compile machine : PII 333, 128MB Qbsp time : Dunno...but 2 hours on my own PC Light time : Not *that* long VIS Time : 6-8 hours Brushes : 2500 plus (all hand-crafted) Entities : The normal kind * Other Info * The more players the better. As it was my first map-making attempt I made sure I had plenty of room to put new things in, so it gets kind of epic at times =). The BFG isnt readily available I admit, but it *is* possible to drop down and BFG-Jump out (i can do it =) - make sure you have lots of health. The punchier weapons are placed higher up in the map. wpolys stays around 200-400 on average, but in the big areas it can get over 800 if you try. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, unless they're better than the original. This BSP may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You may NOT distribute this BSP commercially without my express permission.