================================================================ Title : StroggDM4: Two's Company Filename : stroggdm4.bsp Author : Mark Major (aka Shmitz) Email Address : mmajor@dibbs.net Description : A small fast paced q2 dm map for 2 or 3 Additional Credits to : id ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : StroggDM4: Two's Company Single Player : Just for looking around. Cooperative : Nope. Deathmatch : Yup. Difficulty Settings : No. * Construction * Base : New level. Build Time : A few hours Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.30 Known Bugs : none * Level info * Two rooms, a few platforms, and a couple hallways make for a fast paced deathmatch for 2 or 3 people (you might fit four in there, but if three's a crowd....). There's little armor, and no energy weapons. To benefit those using software rendering I held off on the transparent brushes and used lasers and clipping brushes instead. The RL is here, but ammo is scarce. I strongly recommend playing with weapons stay on this map. * Legal Stuff * You may distibute this level (unedited) by any means so long as you include this text file (also unedited) and give me credit.