================================================================================= 25/02/99 - TOETAG- ================================================================================= NOTE:- This is my first map, so if you find errors don't send death threaths ! It is a very small level made for high intensity play (the way I like it). - I would appreciate any insight into making it a better, things I could improve on, things I should keep the same, comments, words of wisdom, the meening of life...ect. ect. ect. ================================================================================= [map info] Title : TOETAG Filename : toetag.bsp Author : Evil Lair E-mail : dirgevows@hotmail.com (non-quake)Web Site; only my graphic art page : http://wowsites.com/evil_lair/ Description : Quake II deathmatch map ================================================================================= [play info] Single Player : I don't think so...( info_playerstart in there to have a look around, if need be.) Cooperative : Hell No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deathmatch : Yes, 7 respawn spots Player load : 3 - 6 (I use 2 teams of 4, for some Eraser Bot action!) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Bugs : None !! Simply unzip into your...quake2/baseq2/maps folder. And at the console type... map dmf4 ================================================================================= [Construction] Base : New level from scratch Editor used : QuArK 5.6 Other utilities used :- Tim Wright's ArghRad, - Q2 Bea VeR (highly recomended compiling front-end utility) check them out at; http://www.merzone.com/ Build time : approx. 4 nights ================================================================================= [Credits] -id software for quake2 -Armin Rigo for QuArK (a kick ass program!) - http://www.planetquake/quark/ -Planetquake - http://planetquake.com/ -Rust - http://www.gamedesign.net/ ================================================================================= [Author] Name : Yves Allaire aka;EVIL LAIR E-mail :dirgevows@hotmail.com Web Site : http://wowsites.com/evil_lair/ ================================================================================= [Copyright & Permissions] Copyright (c) 1999 DIRGEVOWS. All rights reserved. You may not use this level as a base to build additional levels. Feel free to distribute this map in any way as long as you take no charge to the recipient and include this .txt file unmodified. If you wish to put this .bsp on any commercial CD please ask my permission first. It would nice to know. ================================================================================================================================================================== THANKS.