========================================================= Title : War Nerve Filename : war_nerve.bsp Author : Fukn Hostile_K2 Other levels by author : "None Yet. hehe" Email Address : k2klan@faranon.com Description : Deathmatch map for Quake2 Additional Credits to : Id Software Rich Shetina for making Keys2 DM. David Hyde Tony Ferarra Deadmansbeef_K2 (for the cheesy test) Rust discussion board Special thanks to : My wife Kari for not devorcing me as I toiled for hours at my computer. Captain Sky_K2 for running it on his server Tomco's and on port 27912 also ================================================================ * Play Information * :Designed for the Best Mod out for Q2, Keys2DM Single Player : No (but there is a start there so you can : run around and look at things :-) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (Deathmatch only) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No CD Track : 2 Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.50 registered Known Bugs : none Build Time : Too long Texture Wad used : Quake2 Compile machine : P200mhz 3DFX 80megs ram * Other Info * : If you don't have the Keys2 mod. Get it and run a damn server will ya? It rocks. go to www.planetquake.com/keys2 and grab it up. Or head over to my Klan site at k2.faranon.com and get the mod. It is simply the best. I'd love to have mail from anyone regarding this level. E-mail to k2klan@faranon.com Let me know what you think! * How to play this map * Just unzip prelude.zip to \quake2\baseq2\maps directory (create if necessary), then launch Quake2, go to the console and type: map war_nerve Thanks alot for getting this map, and hope you like it. Laters......Hostile. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM!!. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. This map was made with Worldcraft. It is acceptable to distribute this map over the Internet and BBS systems for free. It is not acceptable to play this map on a commercial Internet server. It is also not acceptable to charge for this map in any way or charge for distribution of this map. This includes CD-ROM collections of all kinds.